What Cheered You Up Today?

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Half a day to go, then up north for 5 days of Deer hunting. No rat race, no television, no radio, no traffic, no internet. I may not come back!!!
Well I've decided to return to this lovely forum after a while... :D

Had a great day today despite having less than five hours of sleep, the new PC is awesome and life is going pretty great despite all the crap that happened over the last couple of weeks. :D

And I'm happy about the new Cubs management team, who's cleaning up the house. :D
Got the book I ordered from amazon.com for .88 cents and I love it!!!!

"Battle of Britain" by Roy Conyers Nesbit

Its used but its a former library book that has the protective cover and while its been worn still very usuable...and BIG! Hardback is in great shape. And filled with great illustrations by Charles Thompson. Can't wait to get into this book!
Haha, thanks all for welcoming me back. I feel like I've just registered here even though I've been here for over four years now. :lol:

For today, I'm pretty gosh darn tired, and even though this sounds a wee bit embarrassing to share with others, I'm extremely happy because I asked a girl out and I got a positive response. :D
I'm keeping fingers crossed that the bosses father in-law's 59 Caddy we installed a fuel injected 383 engine in is about done. I have a few more details to iron out, but hopefully this thing is finally out of my hair!

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