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You have any pictures of said Caddy?HHmmmmmm?:)
Here's 1 pic on my work's facebook page.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLvK27Mn2zo
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:lol: How do you really feel Readie????


Silvio Berlusconi resigns as PM
President Giorgio Napolitano accepted his offer and is likely to appoint technocrat Mario Monti his successor.

Mr Berlusconi lost his majority amid an acute debt crisis that threatens the eurozone. He promised to go once MPs had approved new austerity mesasures.

He is Italy's longest-serving post-WWII PM.

Get rid of one idiot and another idiot with an equally appalling record takes his place.
Yet another unelected leader in Europe.


Very worrying.

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Borrowed two books at work today (we've got our own little library at the museum)
Eeny meeny...Anders Bjørnvad: The monuments of the war 1940-45, or Jens Jessen: The occupation seen with german eyes?
Oops, there's a chapter about Luftwaffe in Denmark in the last one - that settles that question! :eek:)
Edit: There's plenty of pictures in that last book; time to dig out the scanner, methinks! ;)
Payday and new magazines. :D



Oooooops...got a mail from a lady at DR - Denmark's Radio.
Seems like I won a book about Gregory Crewdson's art, "In A Lonely Place"; I had totally forgotten that I had participated in the competition to write a short story about what is going on in one of Gregory Crewdson's beautiful and mysterious photos.
I just checked to see who the three winners were - I'm winner #1! *jaw-hits-table.mp3*


The page is in danish, but you can use Google Translate and paste the link to read the text in (broken) english. ;)
Damn, I usually never win anything! :p


Whoa - got an e-mail from a lady at Penguin Publishers, replying on my enquiry about how to get my (danish) copy of Geoffrey Wellum's book "First Light" signed by the author.
Can do - will do. :D
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Should have 3 interviews at Med Schools next year (2 confirmed + waiting on one more but I've met the criteria they emailed so should get that one). Then there is my 4th choice that I'm still waiting for. 3/4 so far isn't bad, got to nail my interviews now then hopefully start next September.
Finally going to break down and buy a new home computer to replace the nearly 10 year old system that crashed and died on me 2 months ago. Going to get out of the 90's and replace my dial-up internet (free) with something a bit faster. Now I should be able to get onto the site without having to wait 5 minutes for it to load;)

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