What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Congrats to the Swedes for winning Gold in in World Under 20 's 1-0 in overtime , the Russian goaltending was very good as Canada found out night before
Received another invitation to interview for medical school. So far out of my 4 choices I have received 2 interviews and should be receiving another one hopefully later this month. My final choice doesn't interview as far as I know. Fairly positive so far, got to nail one of these interviews, I know I can do it just got to do it...
Glad to hear she's doing much better RA. I told you she would be up to mischeif in no time

What cheered me up today? It's Friday, I just got paid, and I'm feeling like making some mishief of my own this weekend!!!
64 days without employment and found out today that I am being considered for a postion. To bad it is an entry level position for a job I have been doing for 15 years but it should pay more than my former employer and better benefits.

64 days without employment and found out today that I am being considered for a postion. To bad it is an entry level position for a job I have been doing for 15 years but it should pay more than my former employer and better benefits.

Better pay and less responsibility for a job you know how to do well. Sounds great to me, I wish you good luck!

Makes my frickin day. And thus my vote for "What cheered ME up today".
‎- has been practical today.
Helped my parents look for mini-shelves (- why does EVERYONE go to the furniture stores on saturday???), managed to assemble a semi-large bookshelf and filled it, assembled lamps and put wires in the various sockets, tossed out cardboard from bookshelf, and has been relaxing with tv and candy this evening.
I'm going to sleep really well tonight.
- finished a long-running, boring, dull and deeply uninteresting work task today - yay!

- bought new black thick sturdy pants with two gold zippers in front and black leather trimmings on the pocket edges.
They cost a friggin' fortune (154 USD ), but I think they're so sturdy that they'll last a lifetime, and so comfortable that I've already started to live in them. :rolling:
Plus I've been wishing for them and wanting them for the past five-six months, so finally buying them today was deeply satisfying and a true joy.

- bought some red suspenders.

- bought three new fountain pens for my collection.

- finished doing the shopping for dinner tomorrow, no need to worry about that.

Zunfthosen/guild pants.
Finally managed to track down a danish dealer of Regia World Ball yarn, model "Deutschland", so now I've ordered 300 grams - soon it's time to knit socks for when I'll be going to the Rammstein koncert in Copenhagen in february.


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