What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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I second that, once they are absolutely certain with a confession and details, throw him out in the street with a sign around his neck as to WHO he is and WHAT he did, and it will be done and dusted...
Received two new WW2 aircraft t-shirts. One spitfire and the other a P-40. :)


  • Spitfire25.jpg
    40.6 KB · Views: 124
  • P40.jpg
    39.5 KB · Views: 118
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The "official song for the King" has been withdrawn. With all the misery in the world, we dutch worry en masse about the text in that song :lol: as if we have nothing better to do. I laughed out loud when I heared about all the fuss, brightens my day to see people worry about nothing serious.

Anyway, at least I don't have to listen to that crap for the coming week. But there'll be other crap, that's for sure.
Yes! Found a cool swedish writing partner online! :D (NO guys, it isn't Jan! :D )
I love to write stories, and now my writing partner and I have started on a joint story, each writing one character's PoV and taking turns writing a chapter.
The cool thing is that we share the same kind of zany humour, and we get along well. *has a happy fit* :D
Finding someone to share creativity and inspiration with is so cool! :D
TERRY! You wonderful man, you! *hugs you outta shape, then back into it* :D
Thank you so very very much for the resin wheels for the 1/32 109!
I emptied my mailbox today, and there they were! :thumbleft: :thumbright:
And I sure as hell appreciate the thought about the fountain pen you spotted, the thought is so sweet! *hugs you again*
You're welcome Maria - and thanks for the hug! The 'mini Galland' will be on its way to you as soon as I get it all finished and fully dried.

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