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That horrible slimey ****ing little ****** Blair popped up to say 'well done' to Murray.
Blair is Scots you know... ( I should ****ing coca)
Murray should have twatted him and done us all a favour.

Cricket for me too Hugh !
5 days of fantastically close play, glad England won but would not have been to sad if the Aussies scraped home, they almost deserved to win !

hope the next 4 games are as good
Best birthday present ever, thanks to Ivett - a flight in the world's last airworthy Lisunov Li-2!

Pics up when I get the hang of the new laptop software.
Cheers Karl!
Yep, seen quite a few Dak's and a static Li-2, but this is my first flight in one! Loved every minute!

There were 2 airworthy Li-2s left (from a total of 6000 built), but learned on saturday that the Moscow-based bird has sadly crashed since. The crew thought there was enough fuel for the flight. There wasn't.
They must have had poor quality coal!!
Great stuff Evan. I flew in a Dak many years ago, and got to taxi it on the deck, but like Karl, I'd love to have been able to do a jump from one. There was one at a skydiving 'boogie' I went to in the late 1980s, and I was down for lift 12 of the day, freefall from 10,000 feet, but the bl**dy thing went 'tech', so I didn't get the jump in !!

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