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Rochie. Keep your mouth shut and be cordial. Never let the door close. :thumbup:

Always do Matt, no matter how much i am tempted.
The world is to small to make enamies !
Though it's a joy to imagine sending those a-hole types down in flames, it is a far better policy to burn the bridges only as a last resort! :evil4:
My shooting club friends.

We had a conversation last week where I was explaining, in my best French as I carefully do not use English at the club, that I was running out of soft lead and you can't even use wheel weights as it is too hard and the last box I was kindly given only had one lead weight. Much high speed patois conversation took place including references to renovations, plumbers and water pipes.

Today I have been presented with enough scrap lead piping, flashing etc. to keep my rifle musket in .577" bullets and flintlock pistol in .435" balls for the next few years.

Merci bien mes amis de tir et les plombiers de 86 et 87.
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A little late but congratulations Karl. I agree with Matt about the bridge burning. We had a very good shovel operator who quit in the middle of the night, burned the bridge and nuked management. Three months later he tried to come back and never even got through the gate.

Vive La France...

Thank god for the channel :)

The Channel doesn't work John! 750,000 French nationals now live in the UK. The vast majority in London. They even have their own French MP and a radio station. Numbers are rising. Soon London will be the 5th largest French city instead of the 6th.

On the other hand my local DIY shop now has signs in English and several shops have a resident English speaker and all the supermarkets have an English food section. (Yes I know it should be British not English but the French call us all English.)

Yea for the European Union and free movement and residence.
Do you suppose if you went to water's edge and beat the surf with a stick, it may deter them?

It worked for Caesar...

No, that would be utterly mad Dave. The Channel is a precious 22 miles that have kept Napoleon and the Jerries at bay while we sorted our selves out :)
The Channel doesn't work John! 750,000 French nationals now live in the UK. The vast majority in London. They even have their own French MP and a radio station. Numbers are rising. Soon London will be the 5th largest French city instead of the 6th.

On the other hand my local DIY shop now has signs in English and several shops have a resident English speaker and all the supermarkets have an English food section. (Yes I know it should be British not English but the French call us all English.)

Yea for the European Union and free movement and residence.

The French are nothing if not a sensible nation so, why wouldn't they want to live in England :)
The English French are very close...not that either side would be likely to admit it hahaha
The Channel is a barrier, both as a protection and as a cultural block.
Vive La France. If I weren't English I would choose to be French.
Open the door - open all the doors - and hope the rest of the **ckwit Politicians go too! Waste of ****ing rations, the lot of them !!

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