What Cheered You Up Today?

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Well, was out at our Lacrosse Club Presentation last night and I came home with this....!!!!:D :D :D :D :D

Not bad for an old fart......take a good look Dan!!


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My car has been dying since April. On its last legs this month. A friend at work is going thru a divorce and wanted to get rid of the extra car he had. So he gave it to me. For free.

Sunday I went and replaced fluids, battery and a new starter (it had been sitting for a year and a half). Started right up and purrs like a freshly milked kitten! Can't believe it!! Its a '90 Cougar SE and looks great, runs great and smells kinda old but , what the 'ell, so do I.

For months I couldn't go further than a mile without the old car burning up or conking out - now I'm back. Wish it was a Jeep or a truck but beggars can't be choosey!!

This is what it looks like. Clean.


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Just finished painting my 1/48 Tamiya Mosquito's canopy... Geez, it was a real pain in the @ss to paint. I never had so much difficulty painting a canopy in my whole life.

The results could have been better, but it could also have been far worse.

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