Well, not that much to show for over five hours work, but some progress has been made !
The longest job was drilling-out the remains of the moulded cannon barrels, and I'll explain why in the section covering this below.
PIC 1. As the brass cannons from 'Master' are so nice, with open muzzles, it would be a shame to cover them with representations of the red, or sometimes white, cardboard caps fitted over the muzzles, which prevented dust and dirt entering the barrels, and also prevented freezing in the barrels at altitude. Therefore, after sanding down the moulded 'fabric patches', the gun ports were drilled-out, larger than the actual diameter of the gun barrels, as on the real aircraft. The 'fabric patches', applied for the same reasons as above, will be added after painting the model, using the tissue from decal covers, and pierced to represent the torn fabric after the guns have been fired. The red-brown stain seen on the wing is the result of the drill-bit slipping, and piercing my finger !!!
PIC 2. On the left, the opening for the gun camera has been counter sunk, and awaits clean up, whilst to the right, the holes have been drilled to accept the brass cannons. The 'Master' instruction sheet suggests using a 3.5 mm drill bit for this job. However, that's quite a large drill, in comparison to the thickness of the wing, and, if used, there was a very real risk of splitting, or cracking the wing across the chord, and / or the leading edge, especially as the solid stub of the moulded cannon was still on the upper wing half, inside the wing.
I therefore started a pilot hole, using a .75 mm bit, then progressed to a 2 mm bit, before continuing the slow and laborious task of filing the hole with a needle file, reaming with the tip of a scalpel blade, followed by more filing, whilst also filing across the hole, to ensure it was even all round. The edges were then thinned-down, again using the tip of the scalpel blade, and checked for fit with the brass cannon - it's important not to make the holes too large, or alignment of the cannons will be difficult, if not impossible.
It was at this stage that a loud cry of "**** !" could be heard anywhere in North West England as, when pushing the barrel carefully into the hole, I pushed too hard, and it fell inside the wing!
The wing root joint was carefully prised apart, the brass barrel retrieved, and the wing root cemented again.
Mishaps aside, if anyone is considering using brass barrels, either on a MkV or later Marks such as the MkIX, in any scale, I'd suggest using a similar method, to avoid serious damage to the wings.
The brass barrels will be lightly marked where they are to meet the leading edge of the wing, and fitted once the wing has been fitted to the fuselage, in order to simplfy alignment fore and aft, and vertically.
PIC 3. The method of joining the upper and lower wing halves leaves an unwanted joint line along the length of each aileron. There is a 'panel line' here on the real aircraft (with metal ailerons), but not this visible.
PIC 4. So the joints were sanded down, filled with 'Superglue', and sanded once more. They'll be checked, and re-sanded if required, after priming the model.
PIC 5. The hinge line of the flaps, and the aileron joints, were accentuated, using a razor saw, and await clean-up in this shot.
PIC 6. The wing in place, and clamped at the forward root, taped at the rear of the 'gull-wing' whilst setting.
PIC 7. Overall, the fit of the wing is quite good, with minimal filler needed at the rear joint - thinly stretched sprue should do the job - and just a little sanding along the upper wing root.
PIC 8. Oil cooler intake in place, and the lower engine cowling fitted. This had the distinctive panel joints of the oil tank engraved, and the fastening 'buttons' marked with the tip of a drill bit, and these will be enhanced at the painting stage. The oil cooler intake often had a horizontal bar just inside the circular opening - either a brace, or ice guard - but this was impossible to fit due to the nature and shape of the moulded part.
PIC 9. How the model looks so far.
All being well, I hope to make more progress tomorrow, perhaps up to the initial painting stage, and I'll post more pics then. Meanwhile, many thanks for the kind words and encouragement - very welcome when I struggle with these bl**dy stiff fingers and painful wrists !!!
EDIT:- Corrected last pic caption to oil tank instead of glycol tank - brain fade !