1/32nd scale Mosquito FBVI conversion.

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Work has now started on the cockpit, which, overall, will be the biggest area of improvement, apart from correcting the profile of the engine nacelles to wings joints, and the nose area. The parts provided in the kit are very basic representations of the actual aircraft and, with the original kit canopy, would look passable if used as provided - just !
PIC 1. These are the kit parts for the main cockpit components, comprising the main floor and wing spar 'shelf' and, on the left, the radio shelf and 'radios'. The latter bear no resemblance to any equipment fit in any version of the Mosquito, and I think are basically scaled-up from the old Monogram (Revell) 1/48th scale kit from the 1960s. This area will be totally scratch built later.
PIC 2. This is what is provided as the pilot's seat, and navigator's back armour, loosely dry-fitted for the photo. The back armour will be modified and part scratch-built, as explained later, and the pilot's seat, and the 'box' it sits on, will be discarded, with a new seat frame, seat and correctly shaped back armour being scratch-built.
PIC 3. First stage in modification was to remove the 'box' for the pilot's seat. The resulting hole was later plated over with plastic card.
PICS 4 and 5. The hole is now plated, and the first stage of the seat mounting frame has been added from plastic tube. The navigator's seat 'cushion' has been filed flat, and covered with plastic card, roughly cut to shape. This will be filed when fully set, and then covered with thin foil and textured. The back armour has had the top section removed, and the moulded seat harness filed off, as well as being thinned at the edges. The padded back cushion will be added later, from Milliput.
The top section of armour plate was hinged, to fold down aft, and incorporated a small, armoured glass porthole and a handle, used to pull it upright. This will be made from plastic card and clear sheet, and added later, once the new radio shelf is installed, and the harness anchor points added at this time also.
That's all for now, but I hope to post another update soon. Thanks once again for your continued interest.


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Sorry chaps, work has slowed down a tad, as I'm racing to finish a picture which needs to be done by my mate's birthday - three years ago!! I'll hopefully get it finished in the next few days, and might be able to do some work on the Mossie in between sessions. I'll post some pics just as soon as there's something to show.
Just found this thread now Terry, you sure are a glutton for punishment! Great work so far, love that canopy making tutorial, and that mozzie painting in the 1st post, looking forward to more progress
Thanks Keith. I'm having a break from finishing the picture, so might get some work done on scratch-building the pilot's seat tonight.
And progress has been made!
The Navigator's seat has been made, and the main mounting bracket for the pilot's seat added. This is not as per the real aircraft, and is just to support the seat, and will not be seen once the seat is in position.
PICS 1 and 2 Show the cockpit base, with the Navigator's seat squab and backrest made from plastic card, sanded to shape and textured with a file. I was going to cover these with foil, but didn't like the effect much. The sanitary tank and first aid box have been added in the area below the pilot's seat, and will be completed once the seat is in place.The fire extinguisher and flare rack have yet to be made and added to the vertical bulkhead beneath the Nav's seat.
PIC 3. Is a comparison of the kit seat, on the left, and the scratch-built item. This was made from plastic card, plastic rod, and stretched sprue.
PICS 4 to 6. Show the pilot's seat from various angles, with the tubular mounting frame beneath, and the seat harness anchor point centred on the angled, armour plate seat back. The foil covering the back cushion is to provide texture, and will be painted to represent leather. The 'cable' running up the starboard side, and around to the rear of the armoured back is the harness release cable, made from stretched sprue. Note the depression in the base of the seat pan, which was to accommodate the parachute pack ripcord pins cover, to prevent damage to the pins.
I had intended making the pilot's back cushion from Milliput, but was concerned that the weight might affect the firm mounting of the seat.
Thanks again for your continued interest, and I'll endeavour to post more updates in between sessions to finish the Harrier picture.


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