Well, it's 99% done, and it's now 01:10hrs, with still some things to do - and Max is collecting it at mid-day today (Friday) !
Bit of a delay as I didn't get the base-board until late Monday night, which then needed to have the frame stained and varnished (2 days), and then the ground work done in stages.
No problem, thought I, whilst that's all drying, I can get on with the final details of the model itself - wrong!
More f***ing problems with Humbrol paint refusing to dry have really slowed down the progress - thank you very ******* much Hornby products !!
Anyway, it just means getting up at sparrow's f@rt to complete the whole lot, and take the photos, so some time over the weekend, I'll post the final part of the build.
Have to admit, I'm not particularly impressed with where Tamiya put some of their sprue attachment points on some of the delicate parts, even though overall this is quite a nice kit.
Thanks again for your interest and kind remarks, it's very much appreciated, and I will get some pics posted in the next couple of days !