A Happy Birthday Imalko !!!

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Thank you very much fellas, for kind words and congratulations. First time I receive so many congratulations from all over the world...

It has been rather nice day really. I'm not very fond of big celebrations, so nice family lunch with people close and significant to me was enough. Some very dear family members couldn't be with me though, namely my sister and her husband and their little son (my dear nephew), but that's all right. They are living in Slovakia now, so they send me a greeting card and we will talk via Skype later tonight. I received congratulations from some of my friends too and off course from all of you online friends and fellow forum members.

Colin, that's great. You made effort to congratulate me in Serbian language. Thanks! If you ever come to visit my country, you won't have any communication problems.

Aaron, it's okay. It's still 4th October in my part of the world.

Thank you once more friends. I know this had been said on the forum before, but you are the best people I've never met. Here's to all of you chaps!
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