**** DONE: 1/32 F4U-1 - Aircraft Nose Art GB.

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That I am Wayne, finally back into the swing of things.

Here are the only two trouble spots I've noticed in terms of needing filling. The one on the bottom was partially my doing, as the way the sprue attachments are set up has them on the inside edge of the pieces on most major parts, which eliminates damage to the actual outside of the pieces, which is good, but if you're not careful it's easy to remove too much of the edge and you can cause a gap. They were easy to fill and appear to be good to go after sanding, which is surprising as I can never get seams filled well. Have to construct the flaps, and then the wings can go on. In some of the photos it looks like there are gaps, but in reality it's just black paint that highlights them.

Looking very nice.
I cut mine off the sprue a half mm, then use a flat file and File the surface flat. Actually I usually file the Whole of the mating surfaces flat before gluing to eliminate or minimize gaps.

Great build so far matey.

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