Well I am back at it. So today I hit the parts that needed to be RLM02 and with the paint I still had in the airbrush I gave some other parts a quick spray as a primer coat. So far this has been a great build. At this point,if yuo are thinking of building one of the versions available,I say go for it. Fit so far is perfect
I had some problems getting all these areas to fit together just right. You have 4 pieces that have to all come together.As you can see this was a bit of a letdown,but I think a little putty or contacta should fix it up a bit. Any suggestions. I used my daughters Ipad for the pics.I really shows all the problems.I don't think it is a bad as the camera shows
At this point you are probably thinking"Christ,he has really messed it up now". I think after some careful tight sanding,it should look fine,and when 76 is down I am hoping not noticeable. Will just have to wait and see
You should try to paint brush a light silver coat, it'll let you "see" if the putty has gone on well and if sanding is ok
Just make sure to rub off the silver right after (if you are using acrylic paints that is) its a great way to check the lines and see that nothing is noticeable.