Alright, now we're gettin somewhere....
Got the panel line wash done and tidied up, then away with the decals I went... The custom made S7 and EN that Vic made up for me were a whore....
Just the cutting off the sheet process, let alone getting them on...
The EN u see on the model now took 3 tries to get right... Thanks for the spares Vic, whew what a bitch... The S7 I will need to attack a different way, as the white letters were printed out with a olive background which is too noticeable on the model to leave.... The exacto knife dont quite cut the mustard so to speak... The size of the S7 is frickin tiny, as well as the wrknum on the tail...
Too small....
Can anyone do a rush job on their printer for some white letters that dont need to be cut out??? Im in desperate need...