Vic and Bill thanks both of you for your offer but I can't imagine what postal charges must be coming from Downunderland. I too had left-over Swases from an old 109 kit and they were also cut in half. Did not understand why til I looked at the rudder and it has a horizontal as well as vertical component. Half the Swas is on the bottom of the horizontal and half on top. When I put the Swas on the tail of the Arado it was canted the wrong way. Trying to move it I tore it so...back to digging through old kits.
Vic, how do you polish a plastic canopy? Even 1200 grit leaves scratches. I always put a heavy coat of Future on first hopefully to protect the canopy. Though I am now using that Testors Clear glue, the stuff you can make windows with, that way if I slobber up it dries clear, hopefully. In the past I used Future itself as a canopy glue. Not much of a hold but then very little stress on the canopy.