Thanks Guys. Okay, I'd better update everyone on progress.
Things have carried on since last update and I've been a bit slow in posting news, so I'll catch up of the next few days.
I've upgraded to Windows 8 over the past couple of weeks to find my scanner won't work and the printer is not happy etc, plus all the things that worked before need tweaking and whatever to get them how I like.
Okay on with it. 8)
Pic 1 2
Cockpit floor, controls and seat ready for assembly. Second pic is with them together. Instructions are unclear, but this how they should look.
Pic 3
First coats of interior green applied. Somehow this pic looks the wrong colour, so perhaps my camera didn't cope well with the lighting conditions. It is supposedly a close match for the RAF interior green.
Pic 4
This hole in the bottom of the wing is a camera port for the later CA-19 Boomerangs, so needs filling.
Pic 5
Recognition lights are present and I've added in the clear lenses supplied. I'll paint the back silver chrome and mask off with Maskol. When fully painted I'll go back and paint these in the three recognition colours.
Pic 6, 7, 8
The wheel wells are nicely detailed, with a separate main spar and a plastic rod to represent conduit from one side to the other. In reality they were a bit more busy than this, but I'll leave it alone. I did replace the plastic rod with a piece of brass tubing ( the plastic version was flimsy and would not go on straight ) and finished off with painting the bay zinc chromate yellow as per factory.
Next update soon - I promise! 8)