The Mustang is now in the final stages, as this batch of pics shows.
PIC 1. The Malcolm' hood ran on external rails, retro-fitted after removal of the originall, hinged canopy, and these have been simulated on the model by strips of stretched sprue, ending at the point where the open canopy will fit. They are shown here before adjustment, and the canopy itself will have 'internal rails' matching these on the fuselage. The gunsight has also been fitted and painted, and the thick, moulded reflector screen replaced with a piece of clear sheet.
PIC 2. The lower frame, and the extensions for the fuselage rails, have been fitted to the old Monogram canopy, using stretched sprue and thin plastic card. The canopy itself did not have framework around the rim at front and rear, but was 'roll moulded' to a thicker profile. After painting the lower frame, the canopy will be cleaned and polished before fitting.
PICS 3 to 5. The windscreen and canopy in place after painting. The PVA adhesive sealing the windscreen is still drying in these shots, and will be painted to match the surroundings.
PIC 6. The main undercarriage in place and the model supported whilst it sets. The wheels will be adjusted to the proper 'stance' later, and the detail painting completed, before fitting the main gear doors, which will display a slight droop, representing hydraulic 'bleed-off'.
PICS 7 and 8. How the model looks to date.
There's only a few things to do to finish off now, with the flaps to be fitted in the down position, the whip antenna, pitot and a scratch-built IFF aerial to be fitted, along with the rear wheel doors, landing lamp cover, exhausts and prop.
The next installment should show the completed model.
Thanks again for your interest and compliments.