**** DONE: Mustang Mk III of No. 315 (Polish) Squadron RAF, Sqn Ldr E.Horbaczewski

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Just when I thought there's nothing more to go wrong with this build I managed to leave finger print on the "Malcolm" hood while I was trying to put canopy to place. I simply haven't noticed that my finger was slightly messed with liquid glue... ](*,)

I was quite pleased with this model, but now this ruins the overall impression... Since I can't do anything about it now, I'll post finished model pictures as it is tomorrow...
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I don't know Wayne... It's a pretty big mess. I'll take a photo of it and post it later tonight.
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Oh oh oh!!! Happened with my Do-217.

What I was taught was take a sanding stick, sand the window till the finger print is gone, get toothpaste and polish the sanded area with it, wash it off, and let it soak in Future. It work really well.

Hope things go ok!
Just when I thought there's nothing more to go wrong with this build I managed to leave finger print of the "Malcolm" hood while I was putting canopy to place. I simply haven't noticed that my finger was slightly messed with liquid glue...

Sorry to hear that Igor. What kind of a glue was it?
For plastic... not good. :( Sanding/polishing or replacement has to be considered.
These CA glues are the different matter. For removing of these I use liquid called Debonder.No problem with removing.
I used the same glue for my Hurricane for MTO GB and had no problems like this. I guess I was more careful (or lucky) then.

Anyway, I thought of leaving the Mustang this way for now and don't glue the hood on place. I was considering to buy another example of this kit eventually because I want to do one more P-51B, but with birdcage canopy and US insignia. So, I'll use the Malcolm hood from that new kit as a replacement for this one. (Though it won't be on time for the deadline of this GB, it will happen eventually...)

Anyway, here are the pictures as promised - finished model minus the Malcolm hood and close up on the aforementioned hood with my finger print on it...


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Darn, I'm sure sanding will work

Harry, it depends on how the glue damaged the cockpit "glasss". Sometimes finger prints are on its surface and it is made of the glue only. I called the kind of damages of the IIIth class.The matter becomes worse if the glue just started "melting" of the surface. It means that finger prints went into "glass" more deep.This is the IInd class of damages. Sanding and polishing can help.But it has to be made very careful in order to keep the part shape. The Ist class of a such damages is when the "glass" becomes "milky". You can try to sand down it and make it polished.But always it is not worth of the final affect.It is better to find or make a new one.
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Oops...we criss-crossed our posts Igor.

Has it become "milky"? Looking at the pic with the cockpit conopy I couldn't recoginize.It is a little too blurry.
Oh yes...the model looks splendidly.

Igor could you take another shot of better quality with the hood in?
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Thanks Harry and Wojtek... If I disregard this misfortune with the hood I'm quite happy how the model turned out.

Here's another close up of the hood Wojtek. This is the best I could do with my digital camera...


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Thanks Harry and Wojtek... If I disregard this misfortune with the hood I'm quite happy how the model turned out.

Here's another close up of the hood Wojtek. This is the best I could do with my digital camera...

The rest of the model looks great Igor. What the heck, it can't hurt to try sanding and polishing and dipping in future - all it will cost is a little time.

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