**** DONE: 1/72 PBY-5A Catalina RAAF 42 Sqn - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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Apr 6, 2008
Orange NSW
User Name: parsifal
Name : Michael
Category : Beginner
Kit : Academy
Scale : 1/72
Accessories : None, OOB with kit decals

The subject of this GB is the RAAF "Black Cat' S/N A24-68 as she appeared in the summer of 1945. at this time the aircraft was finished in an overall matt black finish.

I had originally intended this model to be finished with an 'in water" diarama and had doe quite a bit of research to facilitate making the water for the model. given that im starting this rather late, and in fact have another kit i also want to enter, i may not be able to do this now. Depending on how easy this kit goes together, i will make my final decision on this a bit further down the track

catalinas are one of my favourite aircraft, and this being an RAAF copy makes it particularly nice for me.

I will be building this as an out of the box kit. i still struggle with basic skills, and intend to take my time on this, and not try anything too fancy. i want a no nonsense but well made kit out of this GB entry .


As indicated, this aircraft is actually A24-96, not A24-68 as incorrectly stated in the kit instructions.
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Nice choice Michael! From my records this bird was quite the veteran, flying 53 sorties with 43 sqn (15 bombing, 19 mining, 17 anti-sub, 1 "special" 1 ASR sorties) plus a further 17 anti-sub/convoy patrols with 11 sqn. That's a total of 70 operational sorties - not a bad effort!
I noticed that as well. i just regurgitated what was in the box, but it doesnt look right to me either. I will do some further checking and probably post a correction.
The aircraft status cards confirm -68 never served with 42 squadron. Matching up some operational reports (which show aircraft code letter, but not serial no.) against my own records (which show serial no's) I conclude that A24-68 was coded "G". What I'm unsure about is if it carried the full OX-G markings.
I dont think the the decal markings are for A24-68. on closer examination there are two schemes provided. one with codes RKE and S/N A24-96, though the box description says its for A24-68

The ADF serials gives the following service details for A-24-96

42 Sqn 5/8/44.
Lost off Sumba Island, Netherlands East Indies. 1945-01-15.
Consolidated Catalina aircraft, serial no. A24-96, code RK-E of No. 42 Squadron RAAF, was destroyed by machine-gun fire. On the night of 14 January 1945, during a mission to Surabaya, a plane from No. 42 Squadron RAAF, captained by Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt) Harrigan, experienced trouble with its port engine and immediately began to lose altitude. At the time Flt Lt Harrigan was flying at 300 feet below heavy cloud off Sumba Island. He jettisoned his mines, but the plane continued to lose altitude and he was forced to alight on the open sea. The hull of the Catalina aircraft was damaged and began to leak. However, the water was kept down by baling. Using the radio-telephone, the crew was able to make its position known to returning minelayers. All night they worked on the faulty engine, but without success. However, in the morning, a Catalina aircraft of No. 43 Squadron RAAF, captained by Flt Lt Ortlepp, landed in the heavy swell, covered by a Liberator aircraft, and took off Flt Lt Harrigan's crew. Flt Lt Ortlepp then destroyed the disabled Catalina aircraft with machine-gun fire and returned safely to base.

The AWM has an image which shows the registration codes to be RKE, the same as the matt black version I want to build. So, it appears to me that in fact the aircraft being simulated is A24-96 of 42 squadron, lost off Sumba Island january 1945

here is a link to the AWM site that shows its matches the above aircraft

NWA0736 | Australian War Memorial
This is another image of A24-96, taken on the day of her loss from the rescuing catalina of 43 squadron

NWA0737 | Australian War Memorial

The AWM description of this photo is

"Off Sumba Island, Netherlands East Indies. 1945-01-15. The disabled Catalina aircraft, serial no. A24-96, code RK-E of No. 42 Squadron RAAF seen from the Catalina aircraft of No. 43 Squadron RAAF ..."

Yet another image from AWM

NWA0736 | Australian War Memorial

The preamble for this shot is "Off Sumba Island, Netherlands East Indies. 1945-01-15. The crew of the disabled Catalina aircraft, serial no. A24-96, code RK-E of No. 42 Squadron RAAF in their dinghies preparing to move across to ..."

Another image, really the final moments of A24-96, she is burning after being hit by mg fire from the 43 sqn a/c

NWA0735 | Australian War Memorial

"Off Sumba Island, Netherlands East Indies. 1945-01-15. Smoke billows from Consolidated Catalina aircraft, serial no. A24-96, code RK-E of No. 42 Squadron RAAF, after being destroyed by machine-gun ..."
made a start last night, putting together the undercarriage assembly in one of the undercarriage bays. I am going to need to make a decision about the wheels fairly early, The wheel bays had four big injection marks for each bay that required some tricky sanding to get rid of . The bays have some interesting panel details that i wanted to retain, so sanding out the unwanted injection marks was tricky because I had to sand between these detail marks.

The undercarriage spars were a three piece assembly that required some careful putting together. each piece has tabs that are supposed to fit into holding slots and then then are supposed to all sit at the right angle as they come together to hold the main gear spar in place. but it took some rather careful reshaping of the tabs to get the angles right.

ive done one sub-assembly, will do the other tonight.

Not too sure what colour the interior of the wheel bays should be. Other modellers have simply painted the whole assembly either a dark grey, or a matt black finish the same as the rest of the aircraft.

Which raises the point, should these aircraft be finished a full matt black or a kind of 'modelling black" which is more a dark grey?
Nice selection Michael and I'm with you re favourite aircraft, I've always had a soft spot for the Catalina and will enjoy your bringing one to life.

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