*** DONE: 1/72nd Lancaster B.III 'G for George' 460 Sqn RAAF

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Sounds like you've got turps substitute Daniel, aka white spirit, which is fine. Real turps has a feint blue cast to it, and is not seen much these days - most of the stuff is white spirit, which is clear, and very common as a thinner, brush cleaner etc dfor decorating, from DIY stores etc. It's what I use, in a 2 litre bottle for about £3 or £4, and isn't much different from the Humbrol thinners, which is s more refined example (or was!).
That's interesting Terry. I never had a problem with turps in NZ, which was very clear and like water ( TOO much like my glass of water on one noted and never to be forgotten occasion!), but all I could get here for a while, and in Austria for that matter, was god-awful smelly stuff that stank the flat out, and turned me to thinners... Thank God Revell turps ('painta clean') is available now, but I still use thinners for thinning and turps just for brush cleaning .
Thanks for info/opinions guys

Evan , the stuff you had sounds abit odd? turps I have is like you and Terry described like water and does it all , thinning paints , clean airbrush , clean brushes and a few other handy things ( lighting fires )

Its cheap too , a liter for 5 bucks ( or you Terry about 1-2 quid)
Almost certainly white spirit then Daniel. Some bottles/containers will still have it labeled as'Turps, probably with 'substitute' in small letters underneath somewhere. People still call it turps generally, and, although the 'real thing' is still available, it's not so common theses days, and costs a lot more!
Does 'white spirits" = "lacquer thinner" ?

The owner of my LHS recommended I use this. Bless his honesty - he had lots of expensive thinners on his shelves that cost exponentially more.
Yep, white spirit should be ok for thinning most laquers, but try it out first, as 'shellac' type laquers might separate.
Ooops, just realised, I think you meant is 'laquer thinner' white spirit? Answer - probably. Turpentine as such hasn't really been sold for many years, with white spirit, often just labeled as 'thinners', having more or less replaced real turpentine, mainly due to cost and availability. There are also safety issues I would think in some countries.
If you buy from one of the large 'sheds', the DIY outlets in most towns and cities across the World, (for example, B&Q in the UK, and I think Wallmart in the US) you'll find it might be under a different name, biut it'll probably be white spirit. I bought a new container two weeks ago - 2 litres for just over £3, as opposed to the same price for 500ml of Humbrol Thinners.
OK, 'proper' thinners is better, in as much as it's more refined, and 'kinder' to artists brushes over a prolonged period but, to an extent, it's a bit like using a Rolls Royce to go to the local store, when a VW would do the job just as well, at much less overall cost!
Great info Terry , thanks mate

Will definately continue to use 'turps'

As for the Lanc , I should be painting tonight all going well photos later
White sprit is ok with me even if it stinks my hobby room out, my better half just loves the smell but I still get booted to the shed for my spraying.
Didn't get to the painting as planned , making and installing a new drawer occupied my modelling time today

tomorrow's plan b
Went to paint the camo this aftertoon but I was unhappy with some join lines ,so some sanding was in order . Resprayed still a little unhappy with the results and am thinking of doing it again

Pic 1 and 2 Sanding then resprayed result
Pic 3 one old and one new humbrol tin of No.30 ( old tin is on left)

my bad photography doesn't help , in the flesh they look quite different


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Hate them stubborn seams as well. But your going great Dan, at least your getting to the model, haven't been able to touch mine for a couple of days now.
Unfortunately it is not easy to avoid the seams, especially these on fuselages.Anyway looking very nice Daniel.
Getting there Daniel - just keep plodding on with that seam. B*tch aren't they?!!
Thanks for the pic of the different shades of Humbrol Green No.30. I had to add a touch of Dark Earth to mine for the Boston, as it looked too bright otherwise. Bl**dy PITA changes to once good stuff!!
Cheers guys , Il do some more sanding tomorrow and that'l hopefully cure it

I thought you'd be interested in the Greens Terry , I'm wondering which one to use? I took a look and they both seem to be useable - fumes were nice!

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