**** DONE: Gotha 242 Glider Group Build

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I like your work on the P39. I always thought the cobra was overlooked by history.

Glad you're enjoying the research as well as the participation in the build. It very soon became apparent that these Group Builds would not only provide enjoyment, and the developing of skills for all concerned, but also allow a deeper look into history, and more so at specific single items at specific times. The ability to be able to share knowledge and research, and help each other around the world is, in my opinion, fantastic, and can only help to increase the communal learning and understanding of aviation in World War Two and, in the future, other eras. I chose the title 'Unternehemen Flugbrucke' (Operation Airbridge) for the first Group Build, as it was the first of a series of symbolic bridges, 'air' bridges, across the world, uniting like-minded people, regardless of race, creed, politics and all the other b*ll*cks that gets in the way of decent human relationships.
It's marvellous to see so many taking part, and especially the newer members, and I think this is going to continue to grow, both in popularity and contibutions!
There is one primary shot of a Go 242 in colour and a cropped shot of the nose showing a personal marking in LiF 13.
This particular aircraft on the article was used on the Eastern front.
Thanks, my luck. Air Classic has an article in the Nov 1977 issue about the Gotha Go 244. I have issues going back to the early 1970s. If the issue is not one that I lost in house fire, I will scan the photos.

Here is a couple of shots for you DB.... 3 different aircraft.

Source :Luftwaffe Camo Vol 2 ModelArt


  • Gotha Go242_a.JPG
    Gotha Go242_a.JPG
    43.2 KB · Views: 252
  • Gotha Go242_b.JPG
    Gotha Go242_b.JPG
    63 KB · Views: 230
  • Gotha Go242_c.JPG
    Gotha Go242_c.JPG
    43.1 KB · Views: 199
Cool, thanks for the color drawing. That is the same marking as the model I will pick up toay. I will not have to worry about the markings. All I have to do is find cargo for it. The only thing I have found so far is a couple of motorcycles. I do not think that I wil find a pack howitzer in 1/72. I read that the toe cable was coiled and attached to the glider. I saw a picture of a British glider and the cable was attached to the glider and then placed on the ground in a "s"pattern", snaking around from side to side. Does anyone know if the Germans coiled the cable or also used a "s pattern"?

I pick up the glider. It is a nice model. I will not have to try and build up the cargo area and luckily, the tail opens up and I will not have to cut it open.

They are packed in tighter than a M113. I do not think there is enought beer for me the hit the LZ in a glider. Any guess as to what type of engine is in the box? I looked at that one agin. I like it also. I was interested in how the seats were installed.

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thanks, I can make the rockets but the cockpit would be difficult. It looks like a fighter.

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