Ah, well you see, I found I could get marzipan at the local supermarket - no need for wedding cake! But, I used to have a dish washer - now she lives somewhere else!
Yeah, it does help! But, when I WAS married, she actually used to be very supportive. I suppose that having met at the Aero Club, and her having similar interests helped. Still, got to do my own house work etc these days - when I'm not painting, writing or modelling!
OK, since Ive decided to bite the bullet and ATTEMPT a diorama for the finest model Ive ever built, I shall grace u guys with some in progress shots....
I decided that I wanted to try and mimick Red1 at the edge of the dispersal area, tucked into an area recently clear cut... I bought some cut tree trunks and utilized some left over foliage from my Panther....
Took the plywood and layed out some contour/hills with some joint compound, which is taking forever to dry... Drilled holes where I want the 14 stumps to go... The pics are just to get an idea of how its gonna look....
I am going to paint the entire gimmick with a grey latex and sprinkle some sand and railroad grass across the paint... The sand/dirt will be lightly added in areas around the Dora where foot traffic is more pronounced and some grass added to it to get a final product....
I have no idea what Im doin so keep ur fingers crossed......
....just come in at the end of this ..but wanted to add my congratulations on this superb build...talk about learning curve!
I guess the guys here take some credit for hints tips at the right moments, especially re the Klear (personally I always brush it on)
..but I love the panel line effect the 'faded' appearance of the mottle ...one of the best looking JV 44 birds I've seen anywhere !!
The base looks great Dan! Talk about jumping in at the deep end with this one buddy, not only was it the deep end, it was the deep end of the shark tank NOT a simple pool!