**** DONE: MiG 21 PF 'Fishbed D', Moscow District PVO Aviation Fighter Regiment, 1967

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Thank you all very much, I really do appreciate the feed back.
Vic and Dan, the surface detail is as provided in the kit. I've done some very light panel lines, and a few streaks of dirt where airflow would leave marks, for instance on control surface hinges, underside vents etc. The aircraft wasn't bare metal, but a metallic dope finish, and was relatively new and clean, so looked somewhat smooth overall.
The wheel bays are now painted and the added detail picked out, and I'm now working on the forward cockpit, making the internal screen, gunsight and canopy rams. A small amount of detail has been added to the inside of the canopy frame, and the landing gear legs are currently on the bench, having brake lines and anti-skid systems added.
I hope to post some pics later tonight.
A few more pics then.
PICS 1 and 2. The wheel bays have been painted, the plumbing picked out in the appropriate colours, and the whole lot 'dirtied' a bit. Still needs a bit of touching up on the pipework here and there.
PIC 3. The modified instrument shroud has been fitted, and some support frames added, with the beginings of the canopy ram for the front-hinged canopy.
PIC 4. The kit part for the armoured glass internal screen is a little too pointed at the top.
PIC 5. Work underway sanding it to a more rounded appearance.
PICS 6 and 7. The screen fitted, after making and fitting some mounts, and the basic painting done. Detail painting has yet to be done. A gun sight has to be made, which fits to the top of the screen and projects into the radar scope, and transparent side screens are yet to be made and fitted.
PIC 8. A few details such as the locking latches have been added to the inside of the canopy, which has yet to have the framework painting and touch-up completed.
PIC 9. The kit ejection seat parts assembled, with, on the left, the kit parts for the seat back rest and squab. These will not be used, and the seat itself has yet to undergo some surgery.
PIC 10. How the seat should look ! This one is missing the parachute harness and survival pack, and a few ancilliaries.
Thanks once again for your interst and compliments, more pics soon!


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