DONE: Spitfire MkVc "Marge" No.85 Sqn RAAF, Group Build

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It's a pretty alright kit! I did this one last year, and was pretty impressed with it...... Especially with my since experience of airfix kits, it's got me even more.

I was looking at your pics and thinking "When did he get pics of my build, I never took any"

then I went back to page 1
Thanks guys . Small update, the fuselage is now glued to the wings, horizontal stabilises are also attached - now she's starting to look the part! Other small parts such as ailerons, landing gear, cannons etc have all been sprayed a matt black undercoat in preperation for the aluminium top coat. Next up however will be to attach the volkes filter and canopy followed by some gap filling.


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Very nice!

I've noticed most folks use tape to hold the model together while whereas I've always used rubber bands (please keep in mind if had a 20 year break from model building). Is there any advantage to tape????
Must admit, I used to use rubber bands too, mainly in the days when I was able to do 1/72nd scale. I got in to using tape by accident really, when my remaining rubber bands either ran out or perished. Used tape ever since, and find it provides a better hold, without over-tensioning the joints. Main advantage is, on those joints where you can't exert enough force with bands, without over-tightening, you can with tape, by pulling across the joint(s) then tensioning and fixing. It's also often easier to remove afterwards - no fiddling over tail fins etc.

What kind of tape do you use Terry? Surely not ordinary sellotape or something similar. Wouldn't that leave sticky marks on plastic after removing?
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Normally I use Tamiya masking tape for holding joints Igor. But that can prove expensive, so if I have any, I'll use ordinary masking tape. I used to use nothing but 'Sellotape' once, even for masking! The trick is to pull a length of tape through your finger and thumb, squeezing gently, to remove some of the tack. Providing it's not left on the model for too long, especially on bare plastic, there isn't normally a problem.
Looks great so far! I was looking at this kit in the LHS a few weeks ago, I would have bought it but I'm allergic to airfix!

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