H.P. Halifax B.MkIII Dedication.

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There was an electrical plug socket on the top of the container, connected to the bomb release system. This activated three solenoids along the lower edge of the container, which were attached to, and activated, three simple hinged bars, which then fell open, allowing the stacks of incendiaries (in this case the hexagonal 4 pound type) to fall free.
They were normally released en masse, falling away in a huge cloud, which then broke up as the airflow affected them causing a shower over a wide area.
(There's a well-known photo of Lancaster from 100 Sqn dropping a 'cookie' and cluster of incendiaries, showing this very well.)
The empty container remained on the aircraft, to be re-filled and used again, and could hold 90 of the 4lb incendiaries which, incidentally, were composed of 'Elektron', a German developed alloy of magnesium and zinc !
Thanks very much indeed chaps, I'm overwhelmed! And you're welcome Andy.
There have been a few tricky areas along the way, but it seems to be turning out reasonably well so far. Got some more of the small stuff done, and aiming to have the model itself completed by Saturday, and then continue with the diorama base and 'set dressing'.
I'll post some pics when I have time to pick up the camera between modelling slots - which are going to be almost continuous until it's all finished !
As usual Terry we marvel at your skill!!!
Its looking your usual brilliant standard I cant wait to see the finished Diaorama which I am sure will be a fitting tribute to Mike's uncle his comrades in arms who gave so much for us.
I am running out of superlatives to comment on your creations!!
Thanks chaps, and Max- you're too kind, and good to see you back on the forum!
The model itself is almost finished, and just needs a few small items to be fitted, some of which will be done when it's on the diorama base. Work on this is under way, although nothing worthwhile to show yet.
Meanwhile, here's the latest pics of the model.
PIC 1. That darned canopy joint, the D/F loop fairing in place, pre-drilled in the top ready for antenna wires, and the open escape hatch. Below the D/F fairing, and below the radio op's window, can be seen two very small 'pegs'. These are the pick-up points for the antenna wire lead in, and the wires will be one of the very last things to be fitted, for obvious reasons(!), using dark-coloured 'invisible' thread.
The streaky appearance of the paint work, particularly around the cockpit and nose area, has been caused by brushing on matt clear, with a little too much flat base. This will be rectified by careful masking of the relavant clear parts, and then airbrushing a new mix of the matt clear coat.
PIC 2. The 'split' doors for the wing bomb bays were cut from 10 thou plastic card.
PIC 3. Doors in place and painted.
PICS 4 and 5. A small amount of detail has been added to the fuselage bomb bay, in the way of door actuators, and the crutches for the 2,000 lb HC bomb. This will only just be visible, at low viewing angles, but would be noticeable by its absence if omitted. The rough painting is deliberate, to provide contrast in the shadowed area when the model is on the base.
PIC 6. The kit part for the mid-upper turret cupola was discarded, and the vac-formed example used. This was extremely tricky to cut, especially the slots for the guns, as it is very small, andvery flexible, but was worth the effort. Some of the frames, and the area around the base of the turret, have yet to be re-touched and matt coated in this shot, work which has since been completed.
I should have some pictures of the work on the diorama base within the next day or two - going to try to quickly finish the Tornado between sessions - and meanwhile, sincere thanks to you all for the interest and support in this project so far.
Hand over is scheduled for Friday 7th September, at Newark Air Museum, and I have notified the museum secretary, who will attempt to interest the local Press, and also include this small event on the museum's web-site news page.


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Thanks very much Aaron. Going to have a few hours break, as I've 'been at it', off and on, for over 18 hours, then continue with the final bits, before carrying on with the diorama base. Five construction days left!

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