Messerschmitt Makeover.

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Thanks very much Andy!
Having second thoughts about the closed canopy now - it doesn't quite match-up, in width, to the rear section. The Hasegawa windscreen and rear panel can't be used, for similar reasons, and they're the wrong shape anyway. I think I'll leave it for now, and maybe order a 'Squadron' canopy when Hannant's have them back in stock, either that, or do a lot of work on the original Matchbox canopy, and fit that.
Thanks Wayne and Wojtek. And less of the're only as old as the woman you feel. Problem is, they're all Hippocroccofrogs around here!
Looking very good Terry
Got the CDs today thanks once again for them. If you would like some isopropinol I can send you a liter no probs.
Thanks mate. Glad to know the CD arrived OK - looks like the Post Office works afterall! The iso would be handy, as I've had to use some Tamiya acrylics lately. Whenever you can will be fine mate, thanks very much.
Thanks Keith. I tell you, even the ugliest ones in the North East are gorgeous compared to some of the hideous 'creatures' in this town!! I would post some pics, but I'd risk being banned for displaying exceptionally bad taste!!
Certainly strange and wonderous creatures. The only known species that can turn a rally car into a house extension, and a free-fall rig into a fridge freezer at the click of a finger, after searching half their lives for their perfect partner, then spending the rest of the time trying to change him!
My wife and I have been happily married for four years.....

1988,1993, 1997 and 2000!!!

Not long ago discovered what, I think, is the secret...two rules

1. I never fight..(because even when you win, you lose)

2. I never agree with her (because she has already changed her mind!!)
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