Shooting at Fort Hood (1 Viewer)

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He deserves it. As was said earlier, he's a soldier, an officer, and things like this don't just happen because one is bored one afternoon while the Playstation is broken. It was premeditated. Personally, I feel that the guy is one of those who are just in the military for a free ride. He's never been to war, yet feels the need to denounce the reasons why the US is in the Middle East, and was working to convince others of that fact as well..which is considered mutiny out at sea, or sedition (I think that's the word I'm after). He joined the military to get the free schooling. The military is there to defend democracy, freedoms, and the US. He knew that going in. He wasn't drafted, he volunteered, so with all that in mind, it was his own frikkin choice to join an institution built around combat and fighting. He has no one to blame but himself. His plan backfired, he was going to be sent overseas. Be a man, suck it up, and go. Heck, as a psychiatrist, he wasn't going to be anywhere near the front lines anyway!

If the military needs, I will gladly donate the rope.
What a bunch of crap ! Anybody who believes the Democartic party will think this guy is a hero has
got a screw loose. Actually, your comments don't surprise me. I expected as much from you ...


Sorry, let me rephrase that. There are many anti-war nutcases that are, no doubt thrilled about the killing of our soldiers. They happen to be liberals, leftists, Hollywood millionaires and such. Strong supporters of the party in power. The media had been trying to make a case that the terrorist had been a victim of PTSD or was angry over being "forced" to go to war. Other liberals are blaming capitalism and freedom for the mass shootings, and one democratic blogger is calling our liberty a form of tyranny because of the mass killings.

I don't think I have a screw loose; America is sliding downhill fast, and I just happen to notice it.
They were saying on the news that he might be charged with treason - very rare

Very rare and as far as I know still punishable by death. Sounds good to me...

Sorry, let me rephrase that. There are many anti-war nutcases that are, no doubt thrilled about the killing of our soldiers. They happen to be liberals, leftists, Hollywood millionaires and such. Strong supporters of the party in power. The media had been trying to make a case that the terrorist had been a victim of PTSD or was angry over being "forced" to go to war. Other liberals are blaming capitalism and freedom for the mass shootings, and one democratic blogger is calling our liberty a form of tyranny because of the mass killings.

I don't think I have a screw loose; America is sliding downhill fast, and I just happen to notice it.

I am going to have to agree with Charles here. I do not agree with the Democratic party, but I am sure that there are no Democrats in office that support US soldiers being murdered. Accusing anyone in our govt. of that is taking it a bit far in my opinion.
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this has nothing to do with politics this has everything to do with a warped personality dealing out death to Americans. let the axe now fall on the appropriate neck
I am going to have to agree with Charles here. I do not agree with the Democratic party, but I am sure that there are no Democrats in office that support US soldiers being murdered. Accusing anyone in our govt. of that is taking it a bit far in my opinion.

Even though I have zero confidence in our government officials, I have to agree with you, Adler. I can't think of any officials that would support that. But I have been reading many comments and opinions made by liberals that are sickening. I thought I clarified my original comments.
Hasan, the sole suspect in the massacre of 13 fellow US soldiers in Texas, attended the controversial Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Great Falls, Virginia, in 2001 at the same time as two of the September 11 terrorists, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt. His mother's funeral was held there in May that year.

The preacher at the time was Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born Yemeni scholar who was banned from addressing a meeting in London by video link in August because he is accused of supporting attacks on British troops and backing terrorist organisations.
Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists - Telegraph
I think a charge of treason would be difficult to prove, unless they find evidence he was collaborating with the enemy.

I don't believe the nut case who tossed a couple of grenades in a tent in Iraq was charged with treason.
I think a charge of treason would be difficult to prove, unless they find evidence he was collaborating with the enemy.

I don't believe the nut case who tossed a couple of grenades in a tent in Iraq was charged with treason.
The douchbag that tossed the grenades also wasn't an officer in the United States military (he was a non-com)...meaning that as an officer, you have a higher duty to your men and country. An act of treason can be anything from giving information to the enemy that compromises the security of your forces/country to an act that openly results in harm to your forces and/or country.

By the way, that was at camp Pennsylvania, Kuwait.

The thing that's irritating me here, is that the media is "examining" these a-holes to see why their issues "forced" them to go off...

Nothing forces a person to do anything unless they themselves allow it. Period.
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Ahh....The venerable Fallacy of Association. The oldest and smelliest red herring ever...

It's been fairly well established that Hasan is one seriously FU'ed dude. The Telegraph article makes that pretty clear. However, the fact that he went berserk 8 years after attending a few mosque services in the presence of some of the 9/11 hijackers, does not mean that his despicable act was in support of the agenda of a terrorist conspiracy. And yes, I know that you have not explicitly stated that it was, but it is a reasonable inference, given your previous posts, that you are implying it. But enough of that. The authorities will be investigating it, so I'll just wait and see. Right now, I'd rather address your prior post :

Amsel: "Sorry, let me rephrase that. There are many anti-war nutcases that are, no doubt thrilled about the killing of our soldiers. They happen to be liberals, leftists, Hollywood millionaires and such. Strong supporters of the party in power. The media had been trying to make a case that the terrorist had been a victim of PTSD or was angry over being "forced" to go to war. Other liberals are blaming capitalism and freedom for the mass shootings, and one democratic blogger is calling our liberty a form of tyranny because of the mass killings.

I don't think I have a screw loose; America is sliding downhill fast, and I just happen to notice it."

Butters: Really? You just happened to notice what? That any whackjob with access to a computer can spew their lunatic ravings on the Web? Well, I certainly can't argue with that...:rolleyes:

What I can argue against is the laughable incoherency of the absurd assertions and sweeping generalizations that you fling about with such partisan abandon. Such fervor may be admired in some quarters, but some of us also like a little evidence to help wash down the zeal. So where is the evidence to back up your claim that 'liberals, leftists, and Hollywood millionaires' are 'no doubt thrilled' by this tragedy? Who are you talking about? The radical lefist congregation of the Westboro Baptist Church, perhaps? Or maybe that Hollywood mega-millionaire and liberal arch-fiend Mel Gibson? No? Then who exactly? Entertainment Tonight hasn't given us the inside scoop on any Hollywood A-list galas celebrating this horrific event. Nor has Fox News, to my knowledge...So, again - who are talking about? Surely not just the usual suspects... You know, the inevitable malcontents and lunatics at both ends of the political spectrum who pollute the Internet with their psychotic hatred.

You know as well as I do that those extremists do not represent the views of either mainstream liberals or conservatives. They're just nuts who deserve no recognition or respect whatsoever. By either 'side'.

You've given no evidence whatsoever to support your assertions. Well, except for where you say that you don't think that you have a screw loose. For once, I agree. I don't think that you have 'a' screw loose, either...

I think a charge of treason would be difficult to prove, unless they find evidence he was collaborating with the enemy.

I don't believe the nut case who tossed a couple of grenades in a tent in Iraq was charged with treason.

If they find evidence that he was meeting with extremists while at the mosque, that is enough for treason for me.

Butters: Really? You just happened to notice what? That any whackjob with access to a computer can spew their lunatic ravings on the Web? Well, I certainly can't argue with that...:rolleyes:

What I can argue against is the laughable incoherency of the absurd assertions and sweeping generalizations that you fling about with such partisan abandon. Such fervor may be admired in some quarters, but some of us also like a little evidence to help wash down the zeal. So where is the evidence to back up your claim that 'liberals, leftists, and Hollywood millionaires' are 'no doubt thrilled' by this tragedy? Who are you talking about? The radical lefist congregation of the Westboro Baptist Church, perhaps? Or maybe that Hollywood mega-millionaire and liberal arch-fiend Mel Gibson? No? Then who exactly? Entertainment Tonight hasn't given us the inside scoop on any Hollywood A-list galas celebrating this horrific event. Nor has Fox News, to my knowledge...So, again - who are talking about? Surely not just the usual suspects... You know, the inevitable malcontents and lunatics at both ends of the political spectrum who pollute the Internet with their psychotic hatred.

You know as well as I do that those extremists do not represent the views of either mainstream liberals or conservatives. They're just nuts who deserve no recognition or respect whatsoever. By either 'side'.

You've given no evidence whatsoever to support your assertions. Well, except for where you say that you don't think that you have a screw loose. For once, I agree. I don't think that you have 'a' screw loose, either...


Do not let this turn into another heated political discussion filled with meaningless debate and insults. We got rid of the political threads because many members of this forum could not handle it. Since there are no political threads, if these kind of heated insulting discussions take place, people will find themselves on vacation.

That goes for Amsel as well and for anyone else who wishes to get involved.

I am giving out this warning because I can see where this discussion is going to go.
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Good enough for me as well!


But... will that satisfy a General Courts Martial ??? Remember this nut-case commited murder on a military base while a member of the U.S. Armed Forces. The UCMJ should be paramount ! The civilan courts should not even think about trying him.

Thanks, Chris. Your warning was very timely and on the mark.

Very rare and as far as I know still punishable by death. Sounds good to me...

Hung drawn quartered was the standard "reward" for treason in ye olde Britain. :shock:

Question for you Adler, Les any other vets.

It was reported that he was frustrated that the army would not let him "Buy back" his education credits instead of serving - do you think they should have?

Please keep this in mind - I do not in any way shape or form think that this provides any "justifiaction".

I am just simply wondering if it is really in the Army's best interest to force someone to serve who doesn't want to be there, he wouldn't be putting in his best effort. Wouldn't it have been better for the army to say "OK, pay back your education credits and get out"? ( don't let the door hit your A** on the way out...) :confused:

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