What Cheered You Up Today?

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Sorted out booking my UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) which is required for applications to Medicine here in the UK, sitting it a week today. So get that sorted and then the rest of the application done by the 19th of October and if things go badly (RAF) I might be starting a graduates medical degree this time next year. Yay! Another four years of University. :rolleyes:
Sitting and listening to the Copenhagen Police Drink...eh, sry, Department's Choir Christmas cd, while translating a WW2 Magazine interview with Adolf Galland.
Slightly bizarre monday evening, but it amuses me. :lol:
....aaaaaaaaaand my ex surprised the he** out of me tonight, by calling and telling me that he had my new pc ready and installed; I just had to drop by and pick it up.

*deep silence*

My WHAT??? :shock:

Surprise! :lol:

It turned out that he had decided to let me take over one of his old computers, after he experienced this one I'm typing on right now, last week; and since the guy has his own little pc shop, even his old computer is a big improvement, compared with this old 'pooter here.
So I'm still a bit shocked in the most positive way, and very happy. ;) :thumbleft:
(Btw he got a huge hug and an almost profuse stream of thank yous on my way out of the door :lol: )
So I'm busy backing up my files, and I'm preparing to get the new 'pooter started up. Yay! :D
Remember the pic from the What annoyed you Thread.....see below..

My son got a letter from the other Guys Insurance company today saying they had received a claim and it would appear that their client was for the most part at fault and to provide details of the damage to his car.

So it would seem the Guy is an honorable person and isn't a Sh!t after all....:D


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Skied last night at the indoor snowdome and although there was nothing set up and it was short as anything it was still good fun and I managed to pick up pretty much where I left off 6 months ago. Normally it takes me a bit longer than 2 runs to get it all right. Today we also did a pier jump (I don't know why it is like 10C outsides and about the same in the water). Still the 1 dive and rapid exit was good fun.
Cool stuff, Gnomey. ;)

I played petanque with some colleagues today, and later tonight there's a big arrangement going on at all the museums and other places in Copenhagen, called the "Cultural Night", from 6 o'clock until midnight.
And I'm going back again to help the colleagues at the Police- and Crime Museum tonight, so I'm definitely looking forward to tonight! :lol:
Trousers washed and ironed.
Shirt washed and ironed, newly polished brass buttons inserted at pocket flap thingys.
Shoes polished,
Tie washed, ironed and tied properly.
Sweater clean and nice.
Biker suit packed and ready, so it is w. helmet, gloves and ear plugs.
Camera packed.
Ready. ;)
Later, a biker buddy'll pick me up and drive me home, and since it's been a while since I've seen him last, it's going to be good fun seeing Poul again and catching up with him and his trusty old blue BMW K100RT. :thumbleft:
So all in all a good day, and hopefully a good night too.
Pics'll follow later. ;)


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