What Cheered You Up Today?

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No Miller for me. Striclty high grade stuff. Been a hard week on my bodyparts this week that I decided I need to relax and create a new butt imprint in the Laz-e-boy this weekend;)
Hear ya there! Not a big drinker anymore, but when I do feel like a beer, I have been trying some of the smaller breweries something with more flavor to it!
Hear ya there! Not a big drinker anymore, but when I do feel like a beer, I have been trying some of the smaller breweries something with more flavor to it!

I hear you, I don't drink much at all anymore either. Have a hard time stomaching what passes for beer in the good old USA. Micros and imports are about all I drink when I want a beer nowadays.
If you ever find yourself in the Twin Cities (Mpls/St.Paul) we'll make sure to find some brews made in Brooklyn Center by the Surly Brewing Co. If you like your beer with excessive Hop flavor Surly Furious is what you want. There are a couple really nice brew joints over in St.Paul as well.

Now I have to urge to sit on a barstool and have someone else bring me beer this weekend instead of getting up and going to the fridge myself;)
Dang, sounds good to me too! Rather be in a pub right now than sitting at my desk!
I'm still chuckling over Bikerbabe's ex bringing to her a revamped *****... I mean PC.

How's that working out for you BB?

Just fine - thanks for asking. ;) :thumbleft:
Has been busy installing all my fave programs, transferring my tons of photos and overall setting the thing up to my liking. Takes some getting used to, going from being able to print runes to printing gothic letters - I enjoy getting "modern" and "up to date". :)
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Still smiling at a report in the papers about four muggers who picked on two women. Turned out that they were cage fighters who were doing a charity pub crawl in drag.

Almost felt sorry for them.
Hit the archery range with the longbow over the weekend. Bad news is I broke the ends of a couple of arrows, good news is that means I'm grouping my arrows pretty well.
Saw a bunch of deer over the weekend on my daily walks in the woods. Snuck up on a couple fawns and a doe that I've seen quite a bit this summer/fall. They sure have gotten big;) Was fun to see how close I could sneak up to them. Every time they would get a little nervous I'd lightly whistle or talk real quiet to them and they would get a little curious and stick around and even walk a little closer. Got to within about 10 yards or so of the two young ones, Momma was a bit more cautious and stayed a bit further away.
I will visit Deelen on Saturday. Deelen is an airfield near Arnhem and was the major German nightfighter comand center in WWII.
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