What Cheered You Up Today? (4 Viewers)

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Just over one more day until a three day weekend. Heading north to a get together with friends for a weekend of building bows, knives, arrows, slingshots, and anything else you want to build. Plus archery shooting games, and good food, and some home brewed Beer at the campfire. Friends wife calls it "The Man Project Weeekend". This will be the fifth get together so far, been fun everytime.
Hope it all goes well for you Maria! 8)

Thanks BT. *hug*

My good thing today?
Well - my buddy Allan arrived yesterday, and much as I like him as a friend, it's a relief that he was invited to hold a speech at a demonstration against a neo-nazi concert near Copenhagen today, and to meet up with his son who lives and studies in Copenhagen.
Y'know - when you're used to live all by yourself all year round, I must admit that it's a relief to spend a few hours all by myself. I've got a small apartment - 58 m²./69 yd² - and two people here is a bit much now and then. Can't really relax.
Apart from that, it is good to see him again, and we've been chatting away yesterday, and practically "living" on the balcony in the good summer weather.
Wasn't today, was Friday actually. Got the back, top and bottom for my display cabinet cut on the router table at work........ OOOOOOO, wait till you see!
Opposite end of the spectrum. Found out yesterday a valued co-worker who co-managed our engine shop passed away Sunday. Axel was a huge influence on me, and taught me more than I ever imagined in regards to race engines, and engines in general. I considered him a mentor and teacher. He was a encyclopedia of knowledge, and happily shared his wisdom with anyone who asked him for help. He was a great ambassador for the company I work for, and was well known and respected in the dirt track racing community. He will never be able to be replaced.
- gave myself a treat - and dayum!, is it a treat!
I spent a small fortune on a pair of Koss Porta Pro Black Beauty headphones, and oooooohhh man!
Are they worth the small fortune I paid for them!
I can now hear details in the music that I didn't hear before, and the bass...ooooh, the bass! *drools*
There's a great bottom in the sound, and even the sharp deep bass sounds sound great, the detail is awesome, and there's no distortion, no matter how loud I turn up the mp3-player, even with some of the most...active? *giggle*Rammstein songs, and Stevie Ray Vaughan? Yum!
I love these headphones! They may look butt ugly, but...that sound! Yay!

Happened yesterday, but still thought I'd post. Wife and I dropped the munchkin off with her great-grandparents, while we drove over to Cabelas (big outdoor/hunting store here in the US) to take a look around. Checked out the gun section, of course, had to examine all the Mausers and Mosins and a really nice scoped Winchester in .308. Did some more random wandering, and then I noticed an older gentleman with a military-blue hat on, had some service patch of some sort. Our wandering took us closer, I noticed the Purple Heart on the hat, and the Vietnam Service Medal. Immediately went over and shook his hand, told him I'd seen his hat and wanted to say "thanks". Man...the smile you get in return is worth fighting through the nerves to do that!
Started working on my pilot's liscense today, and it was a beautiful day to go up!

Wow goodonya. I remember my first day. Bob took me up to 5,000 ft. in the 150D Cessna. "So Bill, what would you do if the engine quit"? "I'd look for a place to land Bob"! So he reached over and pulled the mixture off! Made my approach to a dirt field, over the fence, pulled the starter and off we went to learn to fly! It was fannnntasssssstic!

I can only hope you have as much fun.

Always hard to bear Messy, but your friends knowledge lives on in you and the others he shared his skills with. That is as near to immortality as we can get.
I am happy today as I'm in a part of England that is not getting ravaged with rioters and looting.
Fed up that the England V Netherlands match is off though.
Oh well

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