What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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Karl, also replied mate... CONGRATULATIONS !!!

Ivett also says to pass on her congratulations and very best wishes to you, and loves the look of the place you'll be working in! ('Not too shabby' as we say in NZ )

And if that bomber is Russian it could be a Tupullover...
Good on you, Rochie. Make the most it bud. And good for you taking your pastry chef along. That will instill some loyalty now won't it! He or she must be in admiration and appreciation. Act of a true leader, that is. Bravo.
thanks guys.

Matt, i brought her with me to this hotel from our previous employment.

she is the greatest, her work ethic and end product are second to none, i dread the day she outgrows me !

my wife and daughter call her my "work wife"
thanks Gents.

not been announced yet, waiting till monday when the group ops manager is down south.

he will only come in and give us crap, the GM for poaching me and me for going !

does not think that if this was a better job and i got a bit of support from him i might of stayed.

my leaving interview might be fun if i decide to put on record all the kickbacks from the new suppliers he has been receiving, he doesn't know that i know about them !!!!
Matt, i brought her with me to this hotel from ...
I have got to start reading posts more carefully. At first glance I misread this part as "Matt, I brought her with me to this hotel ROOM..."
You Old Dog, you. Pretty racy stuff for this forum.
my wife and daughter call her my "work wife"
I thought to myself: "I am sure they do!"

Good luck!

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