What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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Great stuff, and beaut photos Maria. When I've experienced a rough landing, I normally say to the cabin attendant " My compliments to the Captain on the landing - all three of them !".
Hope you ave a great time 'back home'.
I'm halfway through my visit to the town of my birth, and - what a week!
I've met my biological mother for the first time since I was born, I've gotten in contact with my biological father's family, I've met people from both families, the nature is outright stunning, people are totally sweet and welcoming, and I'm - to put it short - on the trip of a lifetime here!
I'm looking forward to show you guys more when I get home, internet use is frightfully expensive here, so I'll make it quick.
Everyday is a mental positive trip without comparison, and I'm getting to know a lot of people here.
Apparently I'm related to half the city, lol!
It's awesome, I love it!

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