What Do Your Usernames Mean?

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wheels up . Been a while since I heard flying language. I figured the cavu but missed the wheels up part.
Mudpuppy, that is very interesting info. I would liked to have seen a pic of that sucker.
In my case the username is simply derived from my name: Igor Malko = imalko
I was thinking for a while to adopt username MIg = Malko Igor. As you can see also derived from my name, but mig was already taken so I didn't want to use it and besides it would be confusing. Anyway "imalko" was my first username which I used when got to the internet first time years ago, so I just stick to that.

Famous actor John Malkovich is my relative did you now?
Just joking.
Well, in case you haven't noticed, I have a certain fondness (- if not to say a slightly rabid obsession! ) with certain motorcycles made by a german factory, hence the "Biker"-part.
"Babe" is slightly ironic, as there usually isn't much "babe"-like about me when in my everyday-/work clothes.
I can look really nice and "user friendly" if I have to go out and put on a nice dress/outfit - but I prefer to be myself.

And I know that the word "Biker" usually means your average guy with leather gear, Harley, beer, rock and chicks - I like the rock 'n roll part, you can keep the rest as far as I'm concerned.
My username on here is lingo but on another forum I'm lingodog, as that's the name for a forward air controller (directing aircraft onto targets just beyond the FEBA or forward edge of the battle area) which is a job I had when in the service. For some reason I wasn't allowed to call myself lingodog here. My given name is Glyn.
I use the same username for everything.

diddy=my daughter's name for me-it was never daddy.
riddick=my name.

diddyriddick has a certain rhythm...don't you think?
Mine is a product of the fact that I couldn't think of anything else, so I used Flyboy, but that was taken, so I added a two to the end...
Kinda wish i chose something better
Big NASCAR fan that started in the early 80's. Now it's a joke, Call it" na$cam" now. My fav driver is a fella they call "Awesome" Bill Elliott. 1988 Winston Cup Champion who drove a Ford thunderbird,#9, sponsored by Coors.


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