I've finally broken through the lethargy (and got back on the forum after being refused at log-in four times !) and managed to make some progress towards completing the model.
PIC 1 and 2. Exhausts painted and fitted, with some light exhaust staining added.
PIC 3. The doped fabric patch over the flare port has been simulated with a piece of thin tissue paper, taken from a decals sheet, glued in place with PVA adhesive. The upper fuselage nav lamp has also been added.
PIC 4. The patches over the machine gun ports have been done in the same way.
PIC 5. As the brass cannons have open muzzles, it would have been a shame to simulate the cardboard caps used to prevent dirt and icing, so the mg port patches have been pierced and torn, to simulate the effect after firing the guns.
PIC 6. Once the tissue had set and dried, the patches were painted, but await the addition of smoke stains.
PIC 7. Likewise, the flare port patch has also been painted.
PICS 8 and 9. The underside I.D. lamp has been painted, and glazed with Humbrol Clear Fix, and the tail lamp has also been painted and glazed, although difficult to see clearly in this shot.
PICS 10 and 11. Brake lines have been added to the undercarriage legs, working from the photo of Duxford's MkVb.
PIC 12. The undercarriage legs and doors have been fitted, as has the tail wheel. The wheels will be fitted and aligned once the legs have set.
Just a few more fiddly bits to make and add, including the canopy locking latch and jettison 'ball', and she should be done.