Lots of progress in an uninterupted session, with just a few areas of clean up to do before adapting the cannons and stub fairings from the old Hobbycraft MlXIV kit, then moving on to the painting stage.
PIC 1. The wing is on, although the port joint shows a tiny gap, I believe common to the Tamiya Spitfire kits, and is easily filled with superglue or PVA.
PIC 2. The hole for the gun camera has been drilled in the wing root. Note the plugged hole further outboard, where some numpty drilled in the wrong place ! The wing and root joints have been filled with superglue, and await sanding in this pic.
PIC 3. The fuselage joints have been sanded, but not yet polished, and two depressions drilled behind the fuel filler, representing the static vents. The filler cap will be added later.
PIC 4. The rudder actuator has been added, from stretched sprue, and awaits tidying.
PIC 5. The early elevators as provided in the kit.
PIC 6. In the process of being modified to the later type, with enlarged mass balance. The original engraving has been filled with superglue, and is in the process of being sanded smooth.
PIC 7. The ugly Vokes tropical filter in place, and the joints in the process of being sanded and polished.
PIC 8. Wing tips and tail-planes on, cannons next.
Thanks again for the compliments, and I'll post another up-date in the next day or so.