BoB Group Build Q and A

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further research indicates the aircraft involved on the 25th of oct was beaufighter number R2097 of 219 sqn RAF flown by Sgt Hogkinson and Sgt Benn question is its code will be FK- ? i cant find it anywhere
Thanks Wojtek - and now I know why they sometimes appear !
Mae Wests. These were made from a rubberised canvas fabric, and were a beige / buff colour. By the later stages of the BoB, some piolts 'painted' their own vests in a yellow dope, or the yellow paint used in roundels. This eventually cracked, and there are a number of photographs showing this. Later in the war, the life jackets were made of a yellow cloth, although not particularly bright or dense in colour. The 'Mae Wests' used in the BoB movie were 1950's / 1960s issue, which looked similar to WW2 vintage, although shorter, but were 'good enough' for the purposes of the movie.
Beaufighter. As this aircraft type is known to have been operational, even in small numbers, during the Battle, and is listed in the BoB Bits lists, it is elligible for the GB. Actual usage, squadrons, codes etc will need to be found by the individual, so yes Jamie, looks like you're fine there. The Squadron's code letters at the time were indeed FK - if they were painted on the aircraft. There is a possibility that the aircraft did not carry code letters at that time.
Antoni is quite correct in his description of the colour scheme for the time, and I have a colour profile (not 219 Sqn) showong this scheme should you need it.
Exhaust colours. The exhaust stacks on aircraft such as the Hurricane and Spitfire were made of steel, and were affected by heat and the elements in the same way as your car exhaust would be. The reddish brown colour is a combination of heat and rust, and the ends of each 'tube', where the hot gasses would exit, were generally also tinged by heat, to a bluish grey colour, and also by the exhaust smoke which, given the engine was 'healthy', and not running rich all the time, would induce a grey 'halo' around the 'muzzle' of each bore.
I normally paint these parts in a dark metallic colour, followed by a layered dry brushing of red brown and an orange shade, depending on the effect required.
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Hi does anyone have pictures of Black 14 as in the decal sheet? 3rd one down.



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Got any details of the unit H ? I recognise the badge, but can't place it off hand.
It's JG1 from what I can make out. Is there any more info with the decal sheet ? I'll have a look and see if I can find anything, but only I/JG1 took part in the fighting in France, before the Battle, under the control of JG27. In July 1940, in other words, from the start of the BoB, they became III/JG27.
Searched that decal sheet and found the follwing about that profile:

"Possibly" of Erganzungsgruppe JG54 Cazaux France 1942 (Note that the decal sheet refers to "the final throes" so it may deal with a later period than the BoB). Goes on to say that the a/c carries the earlier shield of I/JG1 before being transferred to the above group for pilot bombing practice.
Not a Q&A, but I thought you might be interested in what I got today.....


704 pages, should keep me busy for a few minutes!! lol

It's JG1 from what I can make out. Is there any more info with the decal sheet ? I'll have a look and see if I can find anything, but only I/JG1 took part in the fighting in France, before the Battle, under the control of JG27. In July 1940, in other words, from the start of the BoB, they became III/JG27.

I don't have it yet. Placing a rather large order today but was hoping it was Battle of Britain because I really, really like the color scheme. If not there are 3 more sheets for me to choose from!
Harry you might want to make the last one.......


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That is the III. Gruppe of JG1, which they used up to (November '43 I think) their more wellknown insignia.


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Terry, can you put me down for the Defiant? It will be PS*V, the plane was downed over the Kent area Aug 28, 1940. See my post for the details. The kit will be in the mail to me come Monday. Looking forward to doing this one for the BG. Bill


  • Kenner-Johnson Defiant.jpg
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Nice one Bill. I can see your pic, which was already on screen, but for some reason, I can't open any other pics at the moment. I'll try later.
Edit: forget last statement, I can see the pics now ! Pete, be slightly wary of the book - it's probably finer, but the use of May to October for the BoB, in the title of a book, makes me wonder ! Of course, the author may be including the prelude to the Battle.
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Ok new subject...

Does anyone have pictures of Ofw Illners crate of 4/Jg51 his bird has a lot of writing on it and I have 2 pictures from the crash site but none of his crate intact. Thanks.

His crate is white 2 with what looks like a red border.... thanks
Pete, be slightly wary of the book - it's probably finer, but the use of May to October for the BoB, in the title of a book, makes me wonder ! Of course, the author may be including the prelude to the Battle.

Hi Terry,
The book does indeed cover the German push through Belgum, Holland and Luxemburg and France

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