Sounds like you're getting there Geo. Give it about 12 hours, and if it hasn't settled fully, then use a drop or two of Micro Sol, applied with a paint brush. let this 'work' for a minute or two, then apply Set in the same way - and leave well alone!
The Sol should soften the decal, and the Set should pull it down. Neither of these products (the original decal solutions) are particularly aggressive, although they were 'invented' long before the advent of acrylic modelling paints, so tests on this type of paint are worthwhile before use. I've used Micro products since the early 1980s, without problem, and swear by them. I now only use the Sol, as I think both products might be the same, perhaps slightly different formula or strength, and remind me very much of a softening agent used in photography, to prevent films/paper sticking together during processing.
When using the 'Set', don't be alarmed if the decal starts to wrinkle - this is normal, and part of the process. Leave until fully set and dry and, if the decal has not fully settled, then add a touch more 'Set', lightly press in place with a clean, soft cloth (not tissue), and add a very small amount of 'Set' again. This should sort it.