Thanks for looking in gents and thanks Andy for that gem of info for judging from the texture I was thinking it was a big wooden handle to help swing the gun around. Now I will paint it a bit of a dirty linen colour.
Mike, I have to confess that the panel lines as you see them here are a bit of an experiment with me which I hope will come out like and under shade of dirt particularly as this machine has a light blue overall colour.
One lives in hope
Well I've sorted out a few more of the fiddly bits today, mostly boring control rod stuff, but I did get to play with the fuselage mounted MG 17 machine gun and also substituted a bit of real wire for the filter.
Engine is also done, not a great effort spent on this on, you only see the front so that's where I focused.
Have also got the floats sorted, bit of dirty paint and then the rigging before the spray.
Having a day off from the hanger tomorrow, Hil and I have an anniversary to celebrate, 19 years together, which is a record for both of us in both our former lives (read relationships), so are booked in for a slap-up meal and a comfy chair by a blazing fire in the hotel lounge and a whiskey or three before retiring.