**** DONE: 1/48 Arado AR 196-A2 - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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Thanks Mike,
The wire is a length of plastic coated wire used by the girls for making necklaces, any big craft store will have it, maybe even 'Walmart'. The wire is wound and then coated in the almost invisible sheath of plastic. To make the loop, It's a small piece of electroplated tube which the wire is passed back through and the tube crimped.
Once again how very creative. I've been looking at my fishing tackle and I have a number of different sized steel wire leaders???
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Thanks for looking in folks. Not much to report, been doing fiddly bits.

Two halves are together, all went nice and easy, so a test wing and tail plane was in order, this also looks good but I still have a few bits I want to enhance on the wings before sticking it all down.

Here are a couple of the extras being attended to, control rods for rudder trim and tailplane trim, there is also another control rod under the tailplane for the large flap.

Also had a go at making up an MG 15 machine gun for the rear cockpit. On the Ar 196-A2, this rests on the starboard side rather than central to the cockpit.

Not as good as your George.
Vic, nice details. Going to do my panel lines today with pencil. Have never understood how that pre-shading is supposed to work especially since RLM 72/73 are so dark.
That brown support for your MG. Is that representing wood? The kit MG has a hinge mount so the gun can move up and down as well as left right.
Thanks for looking in gents and thanks Andy for that gem of info for judging from the texture I was thinking it was a big wooden handle to help swing the gun around. Now I will paint it a bit of a dirty linen colour.

Mike, I have to confess that the panel lines as you see them here are a bit of an experiment with me which I hope will come out like and under shade of dirt particularly as this machine has a light blue overall colour.
One lives in hope

Well I've sorted out a few more of the fiddly bits today, mostly boring control rod stuff, but I did get to play with the fuselage mounted MG 17 machine gun and also substituted a bit of real wire for the filter.

Engine is also done, not a great effort spent on this on, you only see the front so that's where I focused.

Have also got the floats sorted, bit of dirty paint and then the rigging before the spray.

Having a day off from the hanger tomorrow, Hil and I have an anniversary to celebrate, 19 years together, which is a record for both of us in both our former lives (read relationships), so are booked in for a slap-up meal and a comfy chair by a blazing fire in the hotel lounge and a whiskey or three before retiring.

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