**** DONE: 1/48 Curtiss A-8 Shrike – From WW1 to WW2 GB

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Thanks guys

Here's the work for today

12) Surgery to install the resin radiator and test fitting. I read in a review that this was a terrible fit, but it worked out fine for me. All it will take is a little CA to fill the caps and some work with a needle file

3) Gluing the wing together. Never can have enough clamps

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Those fuselage seams are always a problem for me, never seem to get them to fit snugly. Hope your seams clean up okay Glenn and I like the clamping, mine always seem to slip or spring off.
Glenn, you didn't happen to slip over to Paul's place for the photo shoot did you????

I need to get more clamps, I think I only have 8!
Vic, a line of double sided clear sticky tape on one side will keep clamps in place on slippery surfaces.

Keep on truckin Glenn.
We've been amused at how closely alike our workbench's look. (Color-wise, that is. Glenn's is cleaner)
I have glued some bits of old rubber bands to some of my clamps to stop them from "poping" off. It works pretty good.
I need to get more clamps, I think I only have 8!
Vic, a line of double sided clear sticky tape on one side will keep clamps in place on slippery surfaces.

Keep on truckin Glenn.
Great idea, I'll have to try that.

We've been amused at how closely alike our workbench's look. (Color-wise, that is. Glenn's is cleaner)
Mine only looks cleaner because I crop most of the mess out of the pictures before I post them

I have glued some bits of old rubber bands to some of my clamps to stop them from "poping" off. It works pretty good.
Another great idea!

I have been slowly working on those joints and it looks like they'll turn out ok. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow.
I finished all the filling, filing and sanding on the fuselage. The fuselage seams needed a lot of work but the radiator went in very well and didn't need much to fair it in. Kind of hard to see in the second picture because I used CA as filler, but it should look good when painted.

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