Done : Bf110G-4, G9+AT, of III/NJG1, Gruppe Build.

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You'll be dreaming of squiggles and spots! :lol: Good night Terry.
interesting paint job Terry but I think it will work, personally I think I would of tried to make the welle more consistent meaning, more continual as it appears with your brush the pattern is blotched. what the bitch about doing this crate is no upper pics of the wings are shown, the right side of the fuselage photo is not the most clear either nor the one of the left in the dump yard

in any case once you have on the national markings things will appear joined together, it should be a fine finished work when completed

E ~
Thanks Erich. I was trying to get a mix of mottle and waves, as shown in some angles on the pics of the real aircraft, but I got a bit heavy handed!
I'm going to go over the wings and the other 'heavy' areas, with RLM76, then, if neccessary, re-spray a lighter wave pattern.
I've got a couple of pics of a similar scheme, where it is just possible to see part of the top wing, so this should help.
Might have it done tomorrow night (Tuesday).
Thanks again,
Thanks Jason!
I've re-done the 'heavy' areas, and some of the other bits too, and I think it looks a bit more like it now.
When the gloss coat goes on, it'll all blend-in and go a little darker overall, and I think I'll have just about matched the original.
The next job is to do some light panel lines, and some very light weathering and 'dirtying', before spraying a couple of coats of 'Klear', ready for the decals.
Again, the pics tell the story, and I think the difference is noticeable.
Cheers, Terry.


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Thanks very much Chris. Would it help if I put something together on ways to achieve a reasonable mottle without an airbrush, in scales up to and including 1/48th?
Sure, although I can probably help with that. Without an airbrush I've become used to adapting and overcoming!

Pieces of cardboard with small holes lying all over!
That looks more the part Terry once the rest(decals,weathering)hits it it will all start to blend.
Thanks very much once again chaps!
Chris, I was thinking more along the lines of doing mottle with brush techniques, as I did on the '190D.
Anyway, I was able to add some light panel lines, and a very small amount of feint dirtying, plus the begining of the exhaust stains, before giving the model a couple of coats of clear gloss, using Johnson's 'Klear' (Future).
I had a bit of a mishap as, not realising I had a smudge of grey paint on my hand, this transfered itself to the underside and trailing edge of one wing! In trying to carefully get it off, the base colour and mottle came away too, so I brush painted over the areas, touching-in the mottle/waves, using a 'damp brush' technique. It was then that I noticed a small brush-stroke of grey near the port upper wing root!
B*ll*cks! Must have been my stiff hands!
Not to worry, this will be taken care of when I do the light weathering and wear, both before, and after, applying the semi-matt clear finishing coat.
With the model put aside for now, it's time to attend to all the bits and pieces, and scratch-build a couple of items, such as the beam antenna for the lower fuselage, and tackle that tedious masking job on the long canopy.
Then, it's decal time.
Thanks again for your interest and compliments; the pics show the state of play to date.


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