**** DONE: Defiant 264Sqn PS*V 28 Aug 1940 BoB

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Good luck on Tuesday Bill, will be thinking of you as I'm in on Monday for my biopsy following blood tests.

Vic, I will hope they have picked yours up soon enough NOT to need surgery. My PSA was 16.8 when I had my blood done, too far along for anything else. Not one Dr suggested I have a blood test done in the last eight years of blood pressure testing for my blood pressure meds, even tho I am now 67!!!!!

I will be working on the gear today, then the coat of floor polish.
Thanks for the kind words. I feel pretty good that this is my first really serious build.
Good Luck Tuesday Bill!
When you do the Future don't be afraid to do a lot of "brushing out" to get an even thickness of Future. It's very forgiving and levels out real nice, but keep your eye on areas like the leasing and trailing edges of wings like Terry said on my thread. It likes to pool up there and can be wicked off with the riped edge of a piece of paper towel.
T Bolt, I noticed that in your thread, and I certainly will.........

Got the gear and tail wheel attached. Not an easy task with the bracing and gear doors the way they mount,
but I per-sur-veered!

It's gettin close!


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At last........ no more parts to assemble. It's all together........ huzzah!
Now to coat with the floor polish.
Then the wires, What were their purpose anyway??


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Looks superb Bill. Yes, the wires would be for the HF radio, and, of there were some from the tailplanes to the fuselage, these would be the IFF.

It WAS looking good............ don't you hate it when This happens.....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GD it!


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