Some nice work Lucas now you mention some ortho material does that mean you are a dentist?I have seen some that do fantastic work in small scale on both ships and planes.Well keep it up I have heard about guys like ya'll working on something that be almost invisible to most of us cheers Kevin
Thanks to all , Is good to hear that my job are ok.
Javlin, I´m not a dentist, I´m a Computer Technician, but I use a lot of ortho materials, like the resin, some tools, cut discs and the bistoury blades, that to do some works is better than x-acto blades.
Sorry, I've been unable to scan anything more for you - they've gone completely anal in the office.
Drop us your address in a PM and I'll post the info to ya.
Just the thought of modeling on the scale gives me the shakes. I'm really interested in how you are going to paint all those canopy frames. Keep these updates rolling, great work.