Eduard 1/48 Bf-110C

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Update - Painting.

The last week or so was spent applying the basic camouflage that would eventually be overcoated with a very worn winter wash. Studying the photo of "White S", the wing leading edge shows a very distinct colour variation of dark and light so I decided that the camo was likely an 02/71 splinter scheme.

Pic 1 I never tried preshading before so thought I'd try it. Most modelers use black for this but I didn't want the effect to be overstated so I used RLM 66. In theory, the preshading should have been done before applying the the yellow theatre bands but my decision to try this came after these were already done.

Pic 2 is a bit of a mish mash of paint on the topside. The explanation is that while painting the slats and canopy frames 02, I had paint left over in the cup so continued with the top splinter pattern. I also applied some to the panel lines as practice before doing the RLM 66 version. The 66 is also shown but I didn't waste much time on the topsides as there would be the base camo and winter white covering this which probably hides any preshading effects. I concentrated mainly on the parts that would be light blue and focused on the engine area top surfaces as well.

Pic 3 shows the finished underside, prior to any weathering. The RLM 65 is actually Polly Scale "RLM 64", which I hadn't heard of before but looks pretty close to the colour I wanted.

Pics 4 and 5 show the topsides as they are today. The mottles are 02 and came out a little too large IMHO. Not that it maters as they'll be almost entirely covered up anyway. The 71 splinters were applied freehand over a 2.5 hour session. Some touch ups would be warranted if I left the scheme as is. RLM 71 overspray is visible on the right engine nacelle where it meets the wing. I only noticed that on the picture, not on visual inspection! Also, some 71 got under the masking tape on the starboard aileron.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with the result. The spray demarcations along the splinter edges are nice and fine, something I've been trying to perfect but still tough to do with this paint.

Thanks for tuning in.


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That looks really NICE!! Andy.I do not know if you have ever tried it Andy but it works real good on the undersides for preshade.You spray the 76 78 whatever color you need then spray 66 for the panel lines then hit it again with the base colors comes out great.I have done the same up top with some success also just a little trickier when you go to respay the shading."Try it you'll like it" ;) Cheers Kevin
Looking really good Andy! Great work.
Looking forward to the putting on the decals part. I'm not sure how exactly to put Wespe emblem on mine Bf 110 so I'll look to your model as a reference.

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