Airman 1st Class
Hi chaps and chapesses, I haven't built a kit for about 15 years and I got a sudden itch to do one.
I am a fan of the P-51 so naturally that was my choice and I chose the Tamiya 1/48 P-51D with the blue nosed scheme.
For this build I really threw myself in at the deep end as I purchased the Eduard PE set and the Aeries wheel bay set, and having experienced the wheel bay nightmares I probably will chicken out next time..
Anyway here are a couple of pics, what may be difficult to see is the two tones of silver I used to simulate the darker aluminium shades.
I am a fan of the P-51 so naturally that was my choice and I chose the Tamiya 1/48 P-51D with the blue nosed scheme.
For this build I really threw myself in at the deep end as I purchased the Eduard PE set and the Aeries wheel bay set, and having experienced the wheel bay nightmares I probably will chicken out next time..
Anyway here are a couple of pics, what may be difficult to see is the two tones of silver I used to simulate the darker aluminium shades.