Fw 190D-9 "Red1" of JV44 Lt. Heino Sachsenberg....

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Thanks Catch...

Well, I started getting my paints premixed for the first stages, RLM21 White and RLM23 Red... Although it looks wrong in the bottle and wrong on a spare piece of plastic, once the white was painted underneath and then the stripe revealed, the RLM23 red actually looks red.... Had to go with several coats to get the red looking red tho....



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OK, I need some help/advice.... I spent a long time spraying the bottom all white, and after awhile, I noticed that there were granules in certain areas from the paint... It was rough to the touch and visibly horrendous...

WTF is goin on here??? Im using the same paint/mixture that I used to do the elevators so....

I took some blue tape and dabbed at the underside and thses grains came right off, with most of the color as well.... It seems the paint WAS granules...
How do you stir your paint?

I use a pillar drill(US = drill press?) with a bent piece of wire. I also use a bit of the better halves nylon tights as a filter when pouring into the airbrush.

Les looking at the photos of the original may I suggest that the stripping on the wings be a bit more irregular. Look forward to seeing this one finished.

Dan it sounds like the paint is drying before, or as it hits the model surface?

Spraying a Bit too far from the model? Hot conditions? pressure a bit high? Mix not quite right? combination of all or some of these issues, something has changed slightly from your previous spraying effort?

...and white is a b*tch of a colour to spray at the best of times!
Thanks for the info guys... I mix my paint by shaking the bottle for awhile, using a toothpick to make sure, then shake again... I may have been too far away from the model Wayne... Not sure but the white is a freakin bitch...

I plan on making my lines slightly more irregular on the bottom... My thoughts were that it was pretty easy for the groundcrew to paint the elevators decently...
Les, I have also found that if you thin out your paint too much, that too can cause problems.

Not mixing acrylics with enamels or anything are you?
No Matt, as I said up above, I sprayed my elevators with the same paint at the same paint/thinner ratio with zero difficulties.... I may have been too far away for some of my spraying as I tried to get some decent coverage... It takes frickin forever to get a white surface....

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