H.P. Halifax B.MkIII Dedication.

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Thanks very much indeed chaps, and Andy, I just hope the finished product gets to Newark in one piece!
The model itself is now very nearly finished, and I'm feverishly working on the diorama base - why do some glues take so bl**dy long to set?!!
I'll post some pics of the progress in the next day or so, as I'm now going to attempt to get the Tornado finished and posted for the GB, before getting back to work on the diorama - no time to stop for other photos I'm afraid!
Thanks very much once again chaps.
Sorry I haven't posted any up-date pics - been too busy working on the model and base. Had another slight set-back due to varnish re-acting with paint, which has never happened before - I think it's the new tin of Humbrol black I used, bl**dy stuff!
Anyway, I've corrected things as best I can, and don't want to spoil things now by trying to improve it further. Instead, I'm getting on with all the detail work, and the main 'terrain' part of the diorama base is done, with 'vegetation' yet to be added, and the accessories, in the way of bomb trollies, ladders and so on.
Pics soon - honest!
Thanks Andy. Just about to have a couple of hours rest, then back to it. Don't know my Rs from my elbow at the moment, let alone what day it is!
It's almost finished !
Just got a couple of small delicate parts to add to the model, including the second antenna wire, do a bit of re-touching here and there, and then place it on the base and add all the diorama pieces.
Sorry, but I haven't got much time to take and post a load of pics, as this has got to be done and packed by Thursday evening (it's now 01.25 on Thursday morning!), but here's a few pics showing the model to date, including the vac-form nose cone, which I expected to be awkward but wasn't, and an 'aerial' view of the base, before the addition of all the bits and pieces.
If I have time tomorrow (Thursday) night, I'll post a number of photos of the completed diorama, otherwise it'll be when I get back on Saturday.


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Thanks very much Aaron, Hugh and Matt - glad you like it so far. Had an e-mail from Mike, who has received similar pictures, and he's very pleased.
Just got to get it all together on the base now, and pose the personnel and bomb trollies etc. Hopefully, I might have a few pics tonight.
Thanks Evan.
Can't promise the pics tonight, as it'll be a case of last-minute adjustments, prep for tomorrow, and off to bed - forgot what that looks like! But if not posted tonight, then the full gallery, and the up-dated (PDF) story will be posted on Saturday, hopefully with a shot of the presentation to Mike.
EDIT: - crossing posts - thanks Wayne, soon, I promise!
Thanks Andy and Wojtek. I think I'll need a pint or two, and a couple of 'T Stoff' - I was just in the middle of some tiny detail work on the diorama accessories, when suddenly - power cut!
No lights, nothing!
You can imagine the tirade of new curse words, and even more when a neighbour told me it wasn't due back on until 22.00 hours!! That was at 18.50, and the power has just come back on.
So, head down at the bench, and non-stop until this is finished, photographed, and packed!
Pics when I get a chance to post them - if the bl**dy power doesn't fail again!
And when I get back from Newark Air Museum tomorrow night, I might be missing for some time - but the pub's profits will soar!!
No electricity.... oh yes... that might lead to a heart attack.... fortunately , thare are these curse words. So I understand you my friend.

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