Thanks very much indeed chaps, and Paul, you're too kind. You got the letters correct, but in the wrong order - it should be modelling Dog !
This stupid shoulder seems to have got worse since I had the injections last week. It doesn't hurt as much, but it rattles, clunks and jumps about!
The darned thing had a couple of spasms when spraying the Olive Drab, but I figured out why, at least in this instance.
I recently bought another air brush, as my other one, although it works well, is getting rather worn around the paint cup seal, which is a gravity feed, adjustable and detachable, side-mounted cup. I'm keeping that for clear coats and simple jobs, and used the new 'brush for the first time on the P-47.
It's the same make as the other 'brush, but the cup is fixed, and top mounted.
So what's the problem?
Because of the angle of the cup, directly in front of the trigger, I can't operate the trigger as I normally do, with one stiff finger lying on the top, and the other stiff fingers having the hose connector and hose threaded through them - a very 'cack-handed' way of doing things, but the only way my knackered hands can do it these days. But with this cup being on top, it's in the way, and it prevents my fingers from flexing - not that they can flex much anyway - as it leans back, over the finger tip. Consequently, at certain angles, my entire right arm goes rigid, then the nerves spasm, making the arm and hand jump uncontrollably!
Because of this, it took almost two hours of uncomfortable and sometimes painful work, just to spray the top colour - and bear in mind almost half of the upper surfaces are black and white stripes, which were masked, so not a large area to paint!
Anyway, enough of my boring problems - bottom line is, I got the Olive Drab sprayed, and next job is detail painting, a little subtle fading and weathering and panel line work, then a gloss clear coat.
The Olive Drab was mixed using Humbrol 163 Dark Green (Satin) and 29 Dark Earth (Matt) enamels, to provide a slightly faded, but still relatively dark, OD finish. The aircraft of this Group were still relatively new to the Theater at the time being depicted, so, unlike their 8th Air Force colleagues' kites, they hadn't enjoyed as long in our wonderful British weather (we don't have a climate in mainland Britain, only weather!).
The pics show how it looks so far, and there's a tiny bit of retouching to do here and there.
Thanks again for the wonderful encouragement, support and interest - it really is appreciated, as the frustration of trying to do what was once second nature is sometimes hard to accept.