The grey stuff is nearly done Andy !
The first thin coat of primer has been sprayed, and is currently drying. I can't move the model into better light to photograph it until the primer has dried, so pics of that will be posted sometime tomorrow.
Meanwhile, some changes have been made, and some more minor detail work completed.
After engraving the gun access panels, those misaligned reinforcing strakes on the starboard wing really stood out, with the panels and the cannon barrel emphasising the error, and my eyes were constantly drawn to them. There was no way I could accept the cockeyed ribs, so out came the scalpel, file and wet 'n dry, and they were removed, the area sanded, and new strakes fitted.
PIC 1 to 3 Show the removal of the strakes, which was much easier than I'd thought, and left relatively little surface damage. The misalignment can be clearly seen.
PIC 4. The new strakes fitted, with sanding in progress.
PIC 5. The deflector hooks and mounting points for the slipper tank have been made and fitted, and the holes drilled for the fuel feed and pressure pipes, which will be added after painting, using the thin alloy tube shown in the picture.
The deflector hooks, at the rear, 'catch' the back edge of the tank when it's jettisoned, thereby deflecting it from the fuselage and allowing it to fall away cleanly, without fouling the underside of the fuselage or tail unit.
Next step is to spray a further coat of primer, check for any defects or blemishes, and correct as required. It will then be time for the first stage of painting, which will probably be the application of the 'Sky' tail band, which will be masked when dry, and then the underside colour, Medium Sea Grey, will be sprayed, using Xtracolor Gloss enamel.
Before doing this, I might as well assemble the prop and spinner, and spray the 'Sky' on that at the same time, seeing as the paint will already be prepared for spraying.
Hopefully, I should be able to post some more pics tomorrow, although I'll be preparing for a full day in hospital on Friday, when I have the first of two infusions of a new drug to combat the Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I'll also be trying to get more stuff prepared for Duxford, so I'm not sure how much time I'l have at the bench.
Thanks once again for your interest and kind comments, which are very much appreciated.