All closed up, canopy in place, top turret assembled (gets dropped in after the camo) and front and rear wings on. Drilled out small holes for radio wires on top of fuselage and additoinal wires leading from just aft of cockpit to the wings.
Took a while to get the dihedral on the main wings right but I think I got it. Flaps and flap extenders assembled (Flaps are going on in the UP position) and dry fitted - I had to add 0.040" plasticard extenders to the inside edges of the flaps to get rid of huge gaps between the wing roots and the ends of the flaps. In fact the entire model has been like that. I have not been impressed with Italeri's QC on this kit. Virtually every seam has required putty, and or a bunch of sanding and repositioning.
Couple of small fiddly bits (e.g. air intakes) to go on and it's on to the camo. Underside first then the top side.
Pictures to follow in a bit.