Are we alone ?

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 5, 2008
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The universe will be teeming with life. Carbon forms are regarded as most likely because carbon is just about the only molecule capable of forming the basis of the large molecules needed for life in reasonable conditions (pressure and temperature etc).It is no accident that,many,many,years ago I studied organic chemistry not "carbon chemistry". If our planet is anything to go by most of it is likely to be biological"scum" made up of primitive forms (apologies to all trekkies).This has been the case on earth for most of the time that life has existed here. The problem of communication is not just related to the vast distances involved but the immense length of time.The chances of any life form being close and evolved enough to make contact during the span of a human lifetime is effectively zero. Expanding that time to the few thousand years of our human civilisation gives the same result.
Of course effectively zero still leaves an infinitessimal chance which is a good thing for any lover of a good science fiction story. That's science FICTION lol.
I once worked on a Star Trek convention in London.A fan asked one of the actors if he thought a dilithium drive was possible. Exasperated he explained that he was an actor not an engineer and that the show was shot on a sound stage not a spaceship. I think the questioner was genuinely disappointed!
How can we be?

The universe is too damn large for us to be the only life out there. There is just so much to be explored. The real question should be "how large is the universe"? When does it stop, and what comes after that?
I think we are not alone. Like Adler said, the universe is just too damn large for us to be alone. Now, is there life just like us. Who knows, maybe or maybe not. But there is some form out there. Who knows, maybe someone on here is a Alien.
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Heh. Two guys posting back-to-back with alien avatars. Coincidence? Hmmm....

:lol: As far as humanity being alone in the universe, and being "higher intelligence", I think that's probably a lot of ego talking. Its a biiiiiiiiig universe, and I have a hard time believing that God put all His eggs in one basket. Have I seen any aliens? Nope...not that I recognized as being alien, anyway. I guess, for me, in the absence of solid evidence one way or the other, I'm gonna have to step back and ride the fence on this one. There's good theories on each side, but right now that's all they are. Theories.
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I guess it's possible to think we just happened to be the first planet with life forms to evolve,, but like a few others have said this place is just too big to ahve nothing else out there - it still boggles my mind that some distances are measured in millions of light years. I've always wondered if Noahs Ark was actually a space ship.
Hate to think we are. Terrible waste of space if it is true.

I think of it in terms of, "You mean humanity is the highest life form in the Universe? Time to start over..."
I dont know about any of that. But a question that is worth asking is, should we colonise the moon and mars? Can we colonise the moon and mars? If so, how long before we can attempt this
I think of it in terms of, "You mean humanity is the highest life form in the Universe? Time to start over..."

I think of it like this:
"You mean Humanity is the highest life form in the Universe?
Time to start behaving, then!"

And a favourite quote of mine:

Journalist to Mahatma Gandhi: "Mr. Gandhi, what do you think of western civilisation?"
Mahatma Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea!" ;) :lol:
Good quote BB....

Ever since I was about 13 years old and saw something in the night sky that had no explaination, with 3 friends and 2 adults present, I have been convinced that it is simply idiotic to believe that our star is the ONLY one that we can see with the naked eye that has a planet that could possibly support life... That doesnt include all those stars that cant be seen excpet with a telescope....

A bunch of years ago while on work ups off the coast of Greece, I video taped something at night that to this day cannot be explained.... I even went down to CIC and took a look at the SPS-67 radar PPI to verify that there was no air traffic in the immediate 100 mile vicinity....

In both instances, there are no current aircraft capable of performing the same maneuvers as these vehicles did...
I had a similar experience on two occasions, once on 'ops', the other on leave. Both times I was accompanied by two other responsible, sane, and sober adults, and we all saw the same thing. As you said Dan, the manouvres of these...'vehicles', was beyond anything we knew of, and and one of the occassions, the RAF were also mighty puzzled.
Given the vastness of 'out there', it would be more than arrogant to think that 'we' could be the only so-called 'advanced' life form.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Politicians and Hollywood types on this planet are living proof that Aliens are not only out there in the reast of the Universe, they are living amonst us as well!!!
Michio Kaku. I love this guy. If you have never heard him before he is a total mind eff. This is not the best interview, but you get some insights into his Harvard/Princeton/Berkley educational background. Multiple universes, advanced civilizations, and aliens are just a bit of his physics based discussions. Fascinating if you ask me.



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